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Tales from the Garden: Milkweed
  • Unfortunately, I do not know. If you find anything out, I'd like to hear about it.

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    Tales from the Garden: Milkweed
  • Not good news. So I'm coming from a Florida perspective. The general wisdom here in the past has been native milkweed in the garden is important for the monarch.

    After working at native plant nurseries, and now for the local government doing environmental work, I've seen the narrative shifting to no milkweed.

    Basically, disease has become a big issue in our South Eastern monarch populations, and it turns out that gardens have become hotspots for it. Here is an article on the subject.

    I personally stopped recommending Milkweed of any kind to people years ago after seeing the effect of disease in the nursery I worked it.

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    Tales from the Garden: Milkweed
  • Aphids love milkweed. If you want a butterfly host plant for the southeast, I recommend getting a passion vine native to your area. Monarchs don't be really need more milkweed, and you can host more species! It is cool to feed the lady bugs, though!

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    Picture this
  • I'm going to engineer an llm which continuously complains on social media that I don't have enough money to buy a new laptop until it drops below x price

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    Who else is an adult that still lives with their family?
  • My partner and I moved into my parents house 2 years ago. Rent was getting too high and we were running out of options. We all get along well. Early 30s, btw.

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    New abuse allegations emerge against once-venerated French priest
  • Participating in a para-legal political organization which explicitly excludes women from leadership roles and claims divine authority should have been the first red flag. Don't do that.

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    Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • I wonder if you could just use your PC to hotspot when you need to use VR.

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    Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath
  • Yeah, right? I mean, imagine if YouTube when down and just deleted all the videos. People would be up and arms demanding legislative action. There would be endless lawsuits.

    As a creative, you rely on platforms to not obliterate your stuff. At least not immediately. This guy has a horse in the race of this site.

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    Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath
  • That's not really what the article is about. The author even concedes that such a law would never, and perhaps never should, happen; rather, he feels that corporations will not adopt best practices of preservation unless compelled, and it pisses him off.

    The title is deliberate hyperbolic. He's clearly pissed.

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    Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath
  • Why is everyone so mad about this? I mean, it's a salty article, but yeah, it kinda sucks when publications don't give notice before closing down. I think providing the public, including previous contributors, time to archive content is a good practice.

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    Chinese company busted showing off humanoid robots that actually have humans inside
  • I have to say after watching the videos, boo to the corpo for the weird exploitative lies, but kudos to the two women for staying in character! They legit put effort into moving like the real robots around them, and all while in what were probably uncomfortable costumes. I hope they get positive social media attention!

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    Dipshits At Washington Free Beacon Just Wondering Why Harris Left Mickey D’s Off Her Professional Resume
  • My resume has 4 to 5 jobs on it, single page. I leave out tones of slop, and include only the most relevant jobs for the position to which I'm applying.

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    How's it going?
    1. Anxiety is peak
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    I am the only woman in a group text with 8 guy friends in a professional program - I would really appreciate your thoughts on this and why: is this acceptable/not a big deal? Weird? Scandalous?
  • I'll be honest, this is confusing as hell, so I might be misunderstanding.

    I think it's a little hypocritical that you want it to be a chill, no drama space with the bros, but you also want to exclude a girl because you see her as competition for the guy you like who is in this group.

    I understand you had a bad experience with her, but you said that the guys don't know that. From their perspective, you're just excluding other girls for no other reasons than seemingly to be the only girl in the group and perhaps to have exclusive access to your crush.

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    How the fuck do you meet new people?
  • I've made a lot of IRL friends online and at work.

    If you're between jobs, consider doing something like Americorps. People of all ages do it, not just young folks, and its temporary. I think of it as summer camp for adults, but you get paid and in some cases housing.

    Back in 2017 I was super into VR. IDK what the communities are like now, back then the demographics were older, but I got a big social fix from it. An oculus quest 2 or 3 is affordable. Almost all the best games are social, "face to face" talking. It's like having a public arcade in your closet.

    I made the most friends back in 2011 by posting art online and commenting on other artists' things. People love chatting about their hard work. I ended up meeting loads of them in person. If you can find a space of creatives, whether it's a bluegrass club, DND, discord book club, whatever, you'll have a good time.

    And, don't beat yourself up about being lonely. Life moves in cycles. Remember, it just takes meeting one extrovert to suddenly gain a crap ton of friends. Or, maybe you'll collect them one by one. Regardless, I feel you. Be well.

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    Sitting in cars as a pasttime
  • To be fair, my old Corolla is comfortable, with adjustable seats, climate control, and a sound system. It's a little mobile room that society requires I own, I might as well enjoy it. I'll spend 10 to 15 minutes sometimes after work just watching videos on my phone before / after going home.

    My partner and and I will sometimes sit talking in their Prius for a long time after reaching a destination.

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    Like dinosaurs having their picture taken with an asteroid
  • For some context, you can cook food at ~140 to 145 °f
