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Dead cat strategy
  • It's super appropriate for the times right now too. They're using the immigrants eating cats to do it.

  • Thanks to a user for calling this term to attention. It's going on full force right now.

    I think a way to counteract it is to call attention to the debates and/or good things from the other side.

    > There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the dining room table – and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point, says my Australian friend, is that everyone will shout, “Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!” In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat – the thing you want them to talk about – and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.[1]

    2 California legal weed industry in tumult over pesticides in pot

    California's legal weed industry is reeling over whistleblower lawsuit claims, key departures and fear over slumping sales

    A scandal over California’s failure to keep pesticides out of legal cannabis is causing turmoil throughout the industry, with a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit, the departure of a top cannabis official, the state hiring a private investigator, and a race in the private sector to form a shadow regulatory system in the face of crumbling consumer confidence.

    Product testing, confidential lab reports, public records and interviews show California regulators have largely failed to address evidence of widespread contamination, after a Los Angeles Times investigation in June found high levels of pesticides in some of the most popular vape brands. Industry leaders fear those revelations give consumers one more reason to opt out of the higher-priced, highly taxed $5-billion legal market, beset by slumping sales and rising business failures as it is out-competed by the larger, unregulated underground cannabis economy.

    0 Space X site in South Texas draws federal scrutiny over environmental risk

    Damage caused to wetlands around Space X's launch site in South Texas is coming under scrutiny by the FAA and Congress.

    But Musk’s success has brought increasing scrutiny from federal regulators, who are weighing the risk SpaceX and other rapidly advancing commercial space operations pose to the environment and the general public against the desire to return the U.S. space program to its past glory.

    “These are not only the largest rockets known to mankind but they tend to explode,” said Jared Margolis, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, part a coalition of environmental groups suing the Federal Aviation Administration to block SpaceX launches. “And they’re launching next to a very environmentally sensitive area with no buffer around the launch site.”

    0 Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear bans use of ‘conversion therapy’ | CNN Politics

    Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear banned the use of “conversion therapy” on minors in Kentucky on Wednesday, calling his executive order a necessary step to protect children from a widely discredited practice that tries to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling.

    The governor took action using his executive powers after efforts to enact a law banning the practice repeatedly failed in the state’s Republican-dominated legislature. Beshear signed the executive order during a statehouse ceremony attended by activists for LGBTQ+ rights.

    “Let’s be clear: conversion therapy has no basis in medicine or science, and it has been shown to increase rates of suicide and depression,” Beshear said in a statement. “This is about doing what is right and protecting our children. Hate is not who we are as Kentuckians.”

    https:// /2024/09/17/nx-s1-5116592/arizona-election-citizenship-records-dmv

    Arizona’s voter registration system pulls information from the state’s driver's license database as a method of proving citizenship, but the Maricopa County Recorder’s office found a flaw with the database, which incorrectly showed that some people provided proof of citizenship when they applied for a driver’s license.

    The issue affects just a tiny fraction of the roughly 4.1 million people registered to vote in Arizona — roughly 98,000 voters who got a license before Oct. 1, 1996, said Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes on Tuesday.

    “That's the day when Arizona started requiring proof of legal presence in the United States to get a driver's license,” Fontes said.

    0 U.S. passports can now be renewed online, State Department announces

    The online system bypasses the traditional method that required printing out a form and mailing a check.

    The State Department announced Wednesday that Americans can now renew their adult passports online, fully rolling out a system that bypasses the traditional method that required printing out a form and mailing a check.

    "By offering this online alternative to the traditional paper application process, the Department is embracing digital transformation to offer the most efficient and convenient passport renewal experience possible," the State Department said in a statement. "Thanks to increased staffing, technological advancements, and a host of other improvements, the average routine passport is being processed today in roughly one-third the time as at the same point last summer, and well under the advertised six to eight weeks processing times."

    1 Bogus hit-and-run story about Vice President Kamala Harris created by Russian troll farm, Microsoft says

    The fabricated story was created by the Kremlin-aligned Storm-1516, one of several disinformation efforts targeting the Harris-Walz campaign, a new report says.

    The report by Microsoft's Threat Analysis Center said the fabricated story was created by a Kremlin-aligned group, dubbed Storm-1516, one of several Russian disinformation networks that Microsoft says is targeting the Harris-Walz campaign in the lead-up to November's presidential election.

    The hit-and-run claim surfaced in early September on a website masquerading as a local San Francisco news outlet named KBSF-TV. A five-minute video embedded in the article featured a woman speaking about the alleged incident. Microsoft's report said the woman was a paid actor. The website was created on Aug. 20 and went offline days after it published the claims.

    0 Biden administration to host international AI safety meeting in San Francisco after election

    Government scientists and artificial intelligence experts from at least nine countries and the European Union will meet in San Francisco after the U.S. elections to coordinate on safely developing AI technology and averting its dangers.

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told The Associated Press it will be the “first get-down-to-work meeting” after the UK summit and a May follow-up in South Korea that sparked a network of publicly backed safety institutes to advance research and testing of the technology.

    Among the urgent topics likely to confront experts is a steady rise of AI-generated fakery but also the tricky problem of how to know when an AI system is so widely capable or dangerous that it needs guardrails.

    0 Gavin Newsom signs bills to help provide AI protections for actors

    The California governor signed legislation aimed at protecting performers’ likenesses during life and after death.

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two bills Tuesday aimed at protecting actors and other performers from unauthorized use of their digital likenesses.

    Introduced in the state Legislature early this year, the bills specify new legal protections — both during performers’ lifetimes and after death — around the digital replication of their image or voice.

    1 The bureaucrat who could make Trump's authoritarian dreams real

    Russ Vought has a plan to take presidential power to new heights.

    Despite Trump’s loss, Vought pushed to recategorize scores of OMB roles. To an outsider, this might have seemed like a technical adjustment. But in practice, reassignment would have stripped 415 employees—68 percent of the agency’s personnel—of work protections, effectively making it easier for political appointees to fire them. Vought called it “another step to make Washington accountable to the American people.”

    In the end, Vought couldn’t get it done by inauguration. But this combination of lofty public rhetoric and ruthless behind-the-scenes gamesmanship has become his trademark. By the tail end of Trump’s turbulent four years in the White House, the OMB director had turned into one of the president’s most trusted and obsequious officials—an acolyte with a knack for making the half-formed schemes from his boss achievable.

    JD Vance keeps showing how "leave it up to the states" is a lie
  • Here is the Trump/Harris debate. They won't let me copy the clip, so choose abortion on the side if you want to hear both of their answers.

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    Video - Maddow: 'We were supposed to get better at not having our chains yanked' by Trump
  • I've never heard of it called something, thanks for posting that.

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    Congressman Andy Ogles amends financial disclosures following questions by NewsChannel 5
  • In fact, I appreciate the meaningful articles that you post on Lemmy - thanks for doing that!

    Ty, I appreciate that. I hate spamming people every morning, but I can't time the posts and I don't have the time to spread it out most of the time. Thanks for saying something, sometimes I think it might be annoying. I figure if it is, people will unsubscribe or block. At least I hope they'll do that.

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    Video - Maddow: 'We were supposed to get better at not having our chains yanked' by Trump
  • I posted this because it's obvious this has been happening since Sunday. The only way I can see to combat it is to post and comment only about real issues that don't have the name trump in it except for legal issues. If someone posts something trump said, post something about Harris or Walz that's positive.

  • Maddow: 'We were supposed to get better at not having our chains yanked' by Trump

    Rachel Maddow outlines the sheer volume of objectively bad news for Donald Trump's campaign since even before he lost the presidential debate to Kamala Harris, and points out the "made-to-order outrage" tactic Trump and his supporters have used to distract from that bad news, even if it means exposi...

    This is a great explanation of how trump takes over the media.

    > Rachel Maddow outlines the sheer volume of objectively bad news for Donald Trump's campaign since even before he lost the presidential debate to Kamala Harris, and points out the "made-to-order outrage" tactic Trump and his supporters have used to distract from that bad news, even if it means exposing themselves as racist liars and offending the entire Haitian-American community.

    Congressman Andy Ogles amends financial disclosures following questions by NewsChannel 5
  • If you follow the links, it gets even more strange:

    Execution of the search warrant came immediately after Ogles defeated Courtney Johnston in the Republican primary as he seeks a second term in the U.S. Congress. Department of Justice guidelines generally prohibit law enforcement from taking any overt actions in investigations of a political candidate in the 60 days before an election.

    The real question is, who gave him that missing $300k?

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    Blow for Trump as judge rules RFK Jr’s name must stay on ballot in swing state
  • Lol, I bet that actually would happen. But Brain Worm Guy has even more life stamina than trump, I don't know how these guys stay alive with all of their health issues.

  • Congressman Andy Ogles amends financial disclosures following questions by NewsChannel 5

    Almost 10 months after NewsChannel 5 first raised questions about Andy Ogles' personal finances, the Republican congressman has amended his personal financial disclosures.

    All of this follows a NewsChannel 5 investigation in November 2023 that raised questions about Ogles' claims to have personally loaned $320,000 to his campaign in 2022 during his first run for the 5th District congressional seat. Ogles' personal financial disclosures did not reflect the ability to loan his campaign such a large amount.

    This past May, Ogles amended his campaign financial reports, admitting that he had only loaned the campaign $20,000.

    In August, following another report by NewsChannel 5 Investigates, Ogles acknowledged that FBI agents had executed a search warrant to seize his personal cell phone as part of some unspecified investigation.

    The Privatized US Rail System Is a Disaster. A New Report Makes Case for a Public Takeover
  • What does that mean? Did Gates buy out your public rail or something?

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    The Privatized US Rail System Is a Disaster. A New Report Makes Case for a Public Takeover
  • That's exactly why it shouldn't be about making money, but serving the travelers across the country. Breaking even should be a win, it would certainly be a win for the environment.

  • Blow for Trump as judge rules RFK Jr’s name must stay on ballot in swing state

    Former independent candidate will have to stay on the ballot in Wisconsin, Judge Stephen Ehlke ruled

    The former environmental lawyer filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin on September 3, as he attempted to be wiped off the ticket.

    But on Monday, Dane County Circuit Judge Stephen Ehlke denied the request to erase his name from swing state’s’s ballot, ruling that only death can wipe a candidate from the ballot.

    “The bottom line here is that Mr Kennedy has no one to blame but himself if he didn’t want to be on the ballot,” the judge said.

    What you need to know about Florida’s abortion petition fraud investigation
  • We all need to be screaming about this at the top of our lungs, this is straight up gestapo shit. This is really, really bad.

  • https:// /news/politics-government/article292588139.html

    The amendment says in part that “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” If it passes, it would override Florida’s ban on most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, which DeSantis signed into law.

    Previous fraud investigations have relied on signatures rejected by local elections offices. But the Department of State didn’t ask for rejected petitions when it reached out to county supervisors in the past few weeks, only the verified ones.

    In one case, the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections flagged 32 allegedly fraudulent petitions submitted by a Tampa man. A state investigator interviewed 12 of those voters and found that they did not sign the petitions themselves.

    In another case out of South Florida, PCI Consultants, which Floridians Protecting Freedom hired to run the paid petition process, sent a letter pointing out suspicious signatures to a county elections supervisor. State law requires that all petitions be submitted to elections offices, meaning sponsor groups cannot hold back petitions they think may be false.

    1 The Privatized US Rail System Is a Disaster. A New Report Makes Case for a Public Takeover | Common Dreams

    A transition to public ownership could create millions of new jobs, curb planet-warming emissions, protect public health, and slash shipping costs.

    Just a handful of private companies control the majority of the U.S. freight rail network, leaving large swaths of the country with access to just one or two privatized railroads. The heavily concentrated rail industry's model of maintaining "supernormal profits" and delivering for shareholders by slashing investment, McDonald wrote, runs directly counter to public priorities, including expanded passenger service.

    Amtrak, the United States' passenger rail corporation, is managed as a for-profit company and "runs passenger service on tracks that are typically owned by the private Class 1 railroads," McDonald observed. While private railroads are by law required to give preferential treatment to Amtrak's passenger trains over freight, "this has rarely been enforced," leading to often terrible performance.

    Bringing the U.S. rail system under public ownership, the new report argues, would be transformational, allowing for greater investment in passenger and freight rail and thus helping to shift away from costly and heavily polluting on-road transportation.

    8 Judge denies Meadows' request to move Arizona 'fake elector' case to federal court

    A judge has denied former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows' request to have the Arizona "fake elector" case against him moved to federal court from state court.

    In August, Meadows' attorneys argued the case should be moved to federal court because the indictment "squarely relates to Mr. Meadows's conduct as Chief of Staff to the President.” The argument is similar to the one Meadows has made for months in his Fulton County, Georgia, case, citing a law that calls for the removal of criminal proceedings when someone is charged for actions they allegedly took as a federal official.

    U.S. District Court Judge John J. Tuchi said the state charges -- nine felony counts for his role in the effort to overturn former President Donald Trump's Arizona election loss -- is "unrelated" to Meadows' official duties.

    "Although the Court credits Mr. Meadows's theory that the Chief of Staff is responsible for acting as the President's gatekeeper, that conclusion does not create a causal nexus between Mr. Meadows's official authority and the charged conduct," Tuchi said.

    0 Trump-allied group launches Spanish-language ads warning noncitizens against voting

    The group running the ads has echoed Trump's claims that noncitizens are voting illegally.

    The ad campaign, shared exclusively with NBC News, was paid for by the Article III Foundation, a dark-money group linked to Mike Davis, a controversial ally of Donald Trump. Voter registration deadlines are nearing, and early voting is beginning in states with sizable Latino populations, like Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

    It is very rare for noncitizens to try to vote in elections; studies have found virtually no instances of it happening and no evidence that it could be occurring at a rate large enough to affect the outcome of an election. A study by the Brennan Center for Justice, a group focused on democracy, criminal justice, voting rights and other issues, which has been sharply critical of Trump’s claims of voter fraud, found that in 2016, officials referred to authorities 30 of 23.5 million votes in 42 jurisdictions as having been cast by possible noncitizens.

    1 In an Unprecedented Move, Ohio Is Funding the Construction of Private Religious Schools

    The state is giving millions in taxpayer dollars directly to private schools to help them renovate and expand their campuses. It may be the next frontier in the push to increase the use of school vouchers, proponents say.

    While many states have recently enacted sweeping school voucher programs that give parents taxpayer money to spend on private school tuition for their kids, Ohio has cut out the middleman. Under a bill passed by its Legislature this summer, the state is now providing millions of dollars in grants directly to religious schools, most of them Catholic, to renovate buildings, build classrooms, improve playgrounds and more.

    1 How anti-disinformation research came under fire

    Academic and industry support has retreated amid a GOP assault.

    Stanford has denied that SIO is ending its work, saying it is simply facing “funding challenges.” But its founder, former Facebook executive Alex Stamos, has left, as has its star researcher Renée DiResta, who warned in a June New York Times op-ed that her field was “being dismantled.” Disinformation scholar Joan Donovan recently filed a whistleblower complaint against Harvard, alleging the university dismissed her to “protect the interests of high-value donors with obvious and direct ties to Meta.” (Harvard said her departure was due to her research lacking a faculty sponsor, and insisted “donors have no influence” over its work.)

    The conservative legislative onslaught against disinformation shows very little sign of slowing. In May, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky introduced a bill that would ban federal funding for “disinformation research grants, and for other purposes.” The right-wing Cato Institute applauded and praised Massie for fighting back against “censorship.”


    Republicans in Congress have repeatedly attempted to gut the IRA, with Project 2025, a conservative blueprint authored by many former Trump officials, demanding its repeal should Republicans regain the White House.

    Some longtime Middletown residents are bemused by such opposition. “How can you think that saving the lives of people is the wrong thing to do?” said Adrienne Shearer, a small business adviser who spent several decades helping the reinvigoration of Middletown’s downtown area, which was hollowed out by economic malaise, offshored jobs, and out-of-town malls.

    “People thought the plant was in danger of leaving or closing, which would totally destroy the town,” she said. “And now people think it’s not going anywhere.”

    Scientific American
  • Tea Party(2010s or so) is when they started going anti-science. They've always been pro Christian though, so it's a fuzzy line.

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    Inside Out 2 Was the Hit Pixar Needed, but the Laid-Off Employees Who Crunched on It Are Still Hurting
  • Can we pay the people who make these billion dollar movies?

    “I think for a month or two, the animators were working seven days a week,” one source says. “Ridiculous amounts of production workers, just people being tossed into jobs they'd never really done before… It was horrendous.”

    “I would venture that at least 95% of the people that got laid off are financially f*cked right now,” one person says.

    “The internal culture of Pixar right now is really rough,” one former employee says. “There is just an incredible amount of people who are like, ‘I can't do this anymore.’ “

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    You don't get to pick your trauma
  • Sorry again, locking this thread because it's becoming weird.

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    Son of suspect speaks after apparent Trump assassination attempt in Florida
  • I think this dude was an actual independent who voted for trump and the leopards ate his face.

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    Rupert Murdoch 'Succession' court battle begins
  • This family has caused so much damage in US politics that I thought it should go here.

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    It's rule for me
  • Have you heard of "sexy indifference"? A relative of mine mentioned it. It kind of makes sense. If you don't seem desperate or greedy for a relationship, you'll be more fun to be around and won't care as much either, because you have your own thing going on.

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    Rule streets!
  • The shots didn't get anywhere near him, he is not a victim. Maybe all of the R's can now go to golf clubs in solidarity with him. It would be way better than wearing a maxipad on their ears.

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    JD Vance has no spine
  • My bad, sorry about that. I picked up the wrong one. I fixed the link.
