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At least uBlock Origin is always up-to-date now
  • YouTube’s attempts at blocking Adblockers are pathetic

    I've long maintained that the majority of programmers working for Alphabet/Google/YouTube spent more time learning how to get the job than how to do the job well. There is a lot more to coding than "Cracking the Coding Interview."

    It's not about building cool things over there. Is has not been that way for a long time. They just want the money and reputation.

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    Former Texas sheriff's deputy gets 32 years in prison for producing, possessing child pornography
  • Because he is a cop and a pedophile he will spend the next 32 years in isolation. Long term isolation is a legitimate method of torture. I'd rather he be tortured in this way than to have a quick exit. I say l let him suffer for his heinous crimes until his mind, body, and spirit is broken. Then execute him.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Once again you miss the context. I'm leaning heavily towards you having issues with reading comprehension. At least that's better than commenting in bad faith.

    This motherfucker is like: "you're being mean, go away, I'm not listening." But then replies to my comment first. While once again ignoring most of the comment he's replying to.

    I'm not going away. I'm having fun with you at this point. :)

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • The first link addressed his claim pretty thoroughly. I suspect you commented that assuming most people would not read it to verify your claim. I have seen you spouting bullshit all throughout this comment section so I had to read it so that I can call you out. You're either lying or extremely bad at understanding the article. He provided links, you provided bullshit.

    Here is the actual quote from the second article you take issue with: "But Elon Musk's company has shown that EVs are a viable way to build a business. As recently as 2016, the jury was still out on that matter." So you twisted shit so much you changed the meaning. That's either done in bad faith or you're extremely bad a reading comprehension.

    So could you name any EVs that were available from the big companies in 2016?

    I hate that I am here defending Tesla, but I hate the bullshit coming from you even more.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I mean the answer to your last thing is battery technology.

    I agree that battery tech is what brought about full EVs. I still disagree that the Prius did.

    Tesla and many others take advantage of both of these things happening to great success.

    Could you please name a just couple of the "many others" that successfully implemented the new battery chemistry into their cars? Actually just one other would do. I apologize if that sounds rude it's not my intention. I can't think of a better way of wording this.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I understand your argument, I just don't think it is right.

    The Prius never motivated other car manufactures to make EVs. Seriously, tooling the assembly lines did not begin until after Tesla.

    Why did it take a decade to go from Prius to Tesla, but a only a few years after Tesla for other manufactures to start seriously producing hybrids and EVs?

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I did see your answer to this question in another comment. So thank you for taking the time to address me as well. I was not aware of Mazda reliability so thanks for that too.

    Now that you mention it I remember reading about the Prius problem. Something about that they could not stop. I also knew but forgot about the large number of recalls. They had to replace the frame on a large number of Tacoma's. How do they mess up so bad that they basically had to assemble every Tacoma twice? Rhetorical, no need to answer.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Could you please tell me what "big words" they used? I don't see anything outside normal vocabulary.

    Hopefully you don't take this as me defending musk in some way.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Because there was nothing else to compare it to at the time. It was the first viable hybrid, we agree on that. The part that I'm having a hard time explaining is that it was not hugely successful and not the motivation for all current EV's. It wasn't even a plug-in hybrid until 2012. That is 9 years AFTER Tesla.

    Major manufactures did not attempt EVs until Tesla made a killing on them. Most of them did not even make serious attempts at hybrids until the mid 2000's.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I have read about the interference with astronomy and am not for it. It didn't occur to me when I asked.

    Thanks for answering my question.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Thank you for being the first comment that is not simply "musk bad." I'm not being sarcastic. I seriously appreciate you answering my question.

    You make a good point about private companies in space and I agree with it completely.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • Oh my fucking god. I am not defending shit.

    I asked a fucking question and the only answer I got was "musk bad." I posted very clear qualifiers in the original comment and every other comment stating exactly that but somehow a whole bunch of y'all completely ignore that, repeatedly. It's a critical bit of context that completely negates any defenses of any thing.

    Then you go on to mention Tesla which was not mentioned in the comment you replied to. So it's obvious you're reading what's written throughout the comments. It also makes obvious that you're only picking out the parts you want. I never, not once, in any way defended Tesla.

    I DON'T SUPPORT MUSK. I DID NOT DEFEND SPACEX OR TESLA. How else can I make it clear? What the fuck is going on with people missing the key bit of context?

    I asked a question about SpaceX and someone else mentions Tesla. Somehow a bunch of you fuckers read it as I'm defending both SpaceX and Tesla.

    Fucking fuck!

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • If I didn't put that qualifier there would be comments talking shit about musk. Read the rest of this comment section and it's clear as day.

    The prius did not sell incredibly well. That is completely false. It sold well enough to be profitable but even a standard Corolla sold more year after year. It took a decade or more before any other serious options existed.

    The previous paragraph covers your next question. You have your history wrong about how well the Prius sold and how long until EV's became desirable.

    A better wording would have been that the new Prius is more desirable than the previous generations. Which reinforces the previous Prius not "being cool."

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I'm not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.

    The prius is not an EV it's a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool. Even tree huggers like me. Tesla made electric cars cool until everyone found out how poorly they were assembled. Then the other manufacturers, seeing that electric cars could be profitable, started tooling their assembly lines. You have your history completely backwards.

    The new Prius Prime is cool af in my opinion.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • I did not say NASA was better than SpaceX, or the other way around. You are putting words in my mouth. Don't do that.

    Here is a link to a comment that discusses exactly what you are saying, and it was posted before your comment. So maybe read first then comment.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • They can't because when they fail the public and then congress wants to cut their budget. NASA can no longer innovate and maintain funding.

    I hate that I have to put this qualifier but this is NOT an endorsement of musk.

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    What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
  • For fucks sake.

    I clearly said I do not like musk. I even went as far as saying I hate him but still that's the first place you went. What the fuck?
