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Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?
  • However it should be noted that the remote development connection is via their servers, which makes it somewhat less useful

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    Firewalling Your Code
  • I love that you’re thinking about how to secure sensitive parts of JS applications, however I wonder what threat this is guarding against. Can you give an example? Surely if an attacker can modify the source to call the sensitive functions, then they could modify the allow list

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    How Not To Write A Web Service in Rust
  • Nice article! I’m a fan of the “don’t optimise early” mantra, which seems particularly relevant here regarding clone

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    Whatever 'Clean Code' you write now, it'll be shit eventually and in need of a complete rewrite
  • I feel like this is a perfect encapsulation of how an experienced self-aware developer thinks. Experience really beats the hard stances out of you. I find myself saying “it depends” and “a bit of column A, bit of column B” often, like a cheap kids toy

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    Whatever 'Clean Code' you write now, it'll be shit eventually and in need of a complete rewrite
  • His take strangely acknowledges that defects are caused by programmers, yet doesn’t want to improve the tools we use to help us not make these mistakes. In summary, git gud.

    Experience has taught me that I’m awfully good at finding and firing foot guns, and when I use a language that has fewer foot guns along with good linting, I write reliable code because I tend to focus on what I want the code to do, not how to get there.

    Declarative functional programming suits me down to the ground. OOP has been friendly to me, mostly, but it also has been the hardest to understand when I come back to it. Experience has given me an almost irrational aversion to side effects, and my simple mind considers class members as side effects

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    Silly 16 question
  • That sounds unpleasant. I plan to use mine on my lap a lot so I hope this isn’t an issue for me. Just got the email about my final payment too

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    parcel safe place
  • I guess a porch pirate isn’t gonna look in the bin, and if they did, it does look like recycling

    So I guess that’s something?

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    [Discussion] Ubisoft Connect on the Deck
  • I just followed that exact tutorial and got Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate working. Went pretty much perfectly. The only hitch I had was I missed the bit about needing quotes when changing the paths.

    I didn’t have any trouble with download speeds, mine was downloading at our full 100Mb/s

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    Steam Deck: Assassin's Creed Syndicate (and other old Uplay games) - Easy Five Minute Fix [video 5:20]
  • I recently got my copy of AC: Origins refunded because of the Uplay launcher not working and couldn’t find a solution at the time. I’ll definitely be trying this for Syndicate.
