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is your blue my blue ?
  • I got 84 too, looks like we see colors different from the normal people

    I forgot I have night mode enabled on my phone, after turning it off I got closer to average, oops

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    OK, which one of you is it
  • It's the other way around, you will get all of the tickets which are missing plate info. Some guy did it and regrets it, there is a documentary about it.

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  • I remember when Falkon 9 was doing its first landings, the whole YouTube comments section was filled with flat earthers claiming it's a CGI. Now you can take a car and go watch landings in person, I wonder where all those people went.

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  • The same law which makes gun recoil happen. If you fire a pistol in vacuum you would still get the same recoil or even stronger. The rocket engine fires a lot of gas molecules instead of bullets at much higher velocity than a bullet, which gives it the constant push/recoil

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  • There are cases when electricians working on the street to restore power get shocked by some house generator feeding power back to the grid.

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  • Centrifuge spins really fast so you need to balance where you put the samples, or else it will vibrate. The trick is to put them on the opposite side or equally spaced apart from each other.

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    Probably the wrong meme format
  • I can't quite understand what is your point? Are you arguing that both JVM and WASM are bad? With this I agree, they both have terrible performance and in an ideal world we wouldn't use any of them.

    Are you arguing that JVM bytecode is better than WASM? That's objectively not true. One example is a function pointer in C. To compile it to JVM bytecode you would need to convert it to the virtual call using some very roundabout way. But in WASM you have native support for function pointers, which gives much better flexibility when compiling other languages.

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    Probably the wrong meme format
  • You can't compile C to java bytecode, they are fundamentally incompatible. But you can compile C to wasm, which is what you want for a good universal bytecode. Java is shit.

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    The lethal doses of 55 substances
  • This is per kilogram of your mass. So if your weight is 80kg then the lethal dose would be 96000mg not 1200. At least that's how I understand this.

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    Fedora Asahi Remix Officially Released for Apple Silicon Macs
  • For example when watching 1080p youtube video in Safari the power consumption is only 0.1watt because it's using hardware decoders. (not including display backlight, I can't measure it). But when I play the same video in firefox which is using software decoding the consumption is around 0.7w which is not as good as hw decoders, but still less than a watt

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    Fedora Asahi Remix Officially Released for Apple Silicon Macs
  • no, it's just an easy sustained load that can be measured accurately. If you have some other application that provides sustained load but doesn't spin all the cores to 100% please suggest it, I will try.
