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I refuse to believe you all would really let your players bully you into running only d&d
  • I created a character without issues. This is just my experience. I never heard of a program for SR4 though.

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    I refuse to believe you all would really let your players bully you into running only d&d
  • Anarchy in its original version is unperfect. Consult it before trying to sell it to your players (except if you can read the French version which is kind of a version 1.5)

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    I refuse to believe you all would really let your players bully you into running only d&d
  • SR6 is way better now. There's also another system (Anarchy) is you want.

    And.since a year or two, there are metaplans.

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    The two types of DMs
  • Try Trophy Dark.

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    Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France
  • You have to scan a qr code when installing an app on another device. I assume it's a safe way to transmit the key without having it transmitted over the network.

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    What's Your Preferred Server Monitoring Method?
  • Do you have a name for the opentelemetry collector? I'm interested.

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    Listen here you little shit
  • In this context, who would write in letters of fire "We apologize for the inconvenience"? 😁

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    It keeps getting bigger
  • Why not rolling advantage with two d20 at once? Why playing DnD only? I needed 2d10 to play Ironsworn 10d10 for COPS, 2d6 for Dungeon World, 4d6 for Fate, 10d6 for Shadowrun, ...

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    Listen here you little shit
  • Oh, no. Not again.

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    Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are “as painful as possible” for Firefox
  • Well... It may be arguable that limiting the dev base to Europe only is damaging for Europe users thus regulators may make a comeback.

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    And my world has new lore...
  • I am currently reading Cryptomancer, a game with crystals to do kind of Internet things.

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    Anything else?
  • I had such player at my table but it was more that they could ignore what they knew. So they still were doing perception checks and I was still responding but randomly, without saying it.

    Once, for a critical failure on a perception check, I said they saw the lord was too bright, too clean, and wait are those scales? Could be a dragonborn or even more? They spend the full enquiry rejecting the possibility to have a dragon in disguise. Sad for them.

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    It's a nat 20!
  • Yes. Different colors or different digits (1, 2, 3, ... and 10, 20, 30, ...).

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    It's a nat 20!
  • The 19 (d100) is equivalent to a 19 (d20, DnD). The 20, to a 19 too (10% for the best roll) 😁

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    Christmas has been wild
  • It always disappoints me when I think of this, and this community which has been neglected, mocked, ... is unable to learn that those behaviours are bad. It's not all of them, sure. But they should unite against toxic masculinity behaviours. And they don't. People don't learn enough.

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    Arcology in planning stages
  • For me, it also resonates with Renraku Archology, in Shadowrun and the lockdown which follows the rebellion of the AI responsible of its management.

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    One tieflings trash is another dragons treasure
  • If inly they could have a mastodon account.

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    I have them roll for gossip
  • Is this table somewhere online? I would use it for sure.
