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Adulthood sucks
  • You know there's a story in Indian mythology of a dude needing to kill a demon and asks a sage for help. Sage says use my bones dies and gets crafted into a mace that is then used to successfully kill the demon.

    There's a separate story of Vishnu killing a demon and fashioning his bones into a mace. So yeah maces.

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    It's rule for me
  • Get a prenup if that's your only issue. Married taxes are better, and being auto beneficiary is also useful (e.g. social security survivors benefits). With the right person insurances and credit score/limit are better. Sometimes just hospital visits require being a relation. Immigration for coming to or going to another country is easier.

    Marriage is showing your commitment legally/bureaucratically so that your bond isn't questioned easily both individuals also gain financial benefits from it.

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    Yet another Republican, archconservative columnist George Will, endorses Harris because of Trump's disloyalty to America
  • While I'm sure this is true, keeping the presidency away from the facists is still a good thing. If Dems+people voting for the lesser evil can't show up enough to prevent Rs taking congress the least we can do is have the Whitehouse stopping some of the Republican shitfuckery. It wouldn't save us but it should slow our descent, give us more time to fix things.

    Rs are going to the polls anyway and an R who shows up to the polls without feeling like they have an option (because their media lies to them)will still vote Trump. Votes being taken away from him are a good thing.

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    GSA says 337K Taylor Swift referrals have come to
  • And hers isn't made up based off of Russian money laundering.

    A reminder that all Trump businesses have failed and he's literally bankrupted a casino five separate times (and a hotel once). One of his spawn has also stated that the family has been "debanked" or fired as clients (due to financial, legal, regulatory, or reputational risk). Ironic that debanking usually comes under scrutiny for how it has disproportionately targeted Muslims and minorities.

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Not always, nothing like the US and inconsistency, I work in the northeast US on a college campus our buildings have G-1-2-3....even the newer buildings follow it.

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    'The Boys' star Valorie Curry asks for 'boundaries' from fans
  • These are the same folk who think the Colbert Report wasn't satire or get upset that wolfenstein's Twitter account promoted a new game about killing Nazis (all the wolfenstein games are about killing nazis).

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    reddit these days
  • It's meant for a bit of fun (and maybe trolling some MAGAs) by someone with too much time...and a lack of smell. Like what's the point of Trump nfts having him shopped into a decent body or that gold mascot version of him at rallies or the AI art of demon or communist Kamala. At least this took some actual effort on the part of the creator.

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    reddit these days
  • But we can argue against him for dictatorship, climate/environment destruction, white supremacy, male privilege, Ukraine v Russia, and the economy. But of course none of that matters 🙄.
