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Self-hosted GitHub alternative?
  • is a great lightweight alternative that’s heavily inspired by GitHub.

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    Framework Sold Out of 3 Batches of Laptop 16 in Less Than 3 Hours.
  • They really do produce great hardware, in my dev team we either use MacBooks or Framework Laptops depending on what everyone wants to use. Upgradability is great and everyone is really happy with their device so far.

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    Mit welchem Verkehrsmittel reist ihr am liebsten?
  • Soviel wie möglich mit dem Fahrrad, wo ich Flexibilität brauche oder Zeit sparen will / muss das Auto, weitere Strecken am liebsten mit dem Zug und wenn’s nicht anders sinnvoll geht dann Flug :)

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I pay 40€ for the hair cut and 70€ for hair cut and beard trimming combo. Since those are premium prices here in Austria I rarely give a tip on top of that and it’s not that common here anyways.

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    Opinion - What are your thoughts on password managers? Do you use one? Would you recommend it to others?
  • I am also using 1Password since ages. Using a password manager is a great investment into your security. There are so many data leaks and reusing passwords is bad practice and will create headaches.

    I am looking for alternatives though, since 1Password is getting worse.
