The performance is indeed pretty terrible. Most stuff runs fine on my NUCs except nextcloud. Maybe throwing more hardware at it solves it though.
Currently setting up my own monitoring stack:
- Fluentbit to gather metrics/logs
- Fluentd to aggregate logs
- Elasticsearch as database
- Grafana for visualization
Not sure if it is inside the scope of the project, but does it also have an API?
I think it's a reference to this:
Could you elaborate on syncthing hub and spoke?
I think a federated version control system makes so much sense and I hope it will break open GitHub's (nearly) monopoly.
Mail is one of the most insecure protocols out there
The idea is that you go through this process before the test
Hi, I don't listen to DnB but I would like to receive some recommendations. I really like these two tracks from Unreal Tournament 99 and I am wondering if there is more like this: