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    China is not pushing Africa into debt trap, South African president says
  • Before anyone objects to the this statement: do you really think somebody would just go in fronw of the international community and tell lies?

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  • If you scroll up a little bit you can actually read what I'm referring to.

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  • A future where he will continue to be right.

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    RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it
  • You don't need a separate account to play Leagues or any other temporary game modes. You are correct however that you do need to pay a separate membership for each character unless you're okay with that character only being able to do F2P activities.

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    You couldn't just, like, place the wheelchair at the sides??
  • They do and it's very common, no idea what that other imbecile is blithering about.

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    Big bang doesn't exist.
  • On this day, meds were not taken.

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    >!Settled, you magnificent bastard!<

  • That's really funny

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    Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • If they put a DVD drive in the Dreamcast there's never a PlayStation 3

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    LUKEWARM TAKE: Odablock shouldn't be invited to any more events (DMM All-Stars spoilers)
  • The only thing I can think of when Odablock is mentioned is the fact that 25 buttholes tried to 1v1 him multiple times and Oda absolutely refused to every single time. Complete goblin.

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    Alarming Report Warns Of ‘Greatest Threat To American Democracy You’ve Never Heard Of’
  • One of the cornerstones of the religion they profess to follow is that followers will be beset by false prophets who try to lead the faithful into wickedness. It's the origin of the idiom "wolf in sheep's clothing". Followers of Jesus are then advised that they'll be able to tell who's who the same way you can tell that rotten fruit means a fig tree is blighted: you will know them by their fruits. In other words, if you listen to the warning and take even the slightest notice of what Jesus tells you is the right way to live, you won't be led astray by people who pretend to be spiritual authorities but preach things Jesus said are bad things for any human to do, such as proclaming their own righteousness, claiming to be more Godly than you, and openly seeking riches and power. Whether you believe in Christianity or not, what it comes down to is that these people are "following God" in a way they are, word for word, told not to. By God.

    It's like if you tried to start up a Anarcho-Capitalist club and then immediately set up a hierarchical power structure and began extracting dues from the members to fund a project that disproportionately benefits the poorer members. It's like if you taught a class on healthy eating and then began extolling the benefits of swallowing batteries.

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    New lore dropped

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    Donald Trump Again Accused of Using N-Word on 'The Apprentice' Set
  • That's just a plus for his base.

  • The game is Cannon Fodder, and the video is a cautionary tale about judging a book—or game—by its cover.

    Biden releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from Northeast reserve in bid to lower prices at pump
  • Spoiler: that conversation will just be them looking around to see if anyone else is listening followed by asking each other how many people they've tried to discourage from voting.

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    Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.
  • Good, maybe the people who do it will be shamed into shaping up or shipping out.

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    Apple Announces iOS 18 Accessibility Features, Including Eye Tracking
  • Five years from now:

    Apple spokesman claims reports that eye-tracking Accessibility feature usage was sold 'exaggerated'

    A spokesman for Apple dismissed reports that the company's eye-tracking accessibility feature—designed assist impaired users with using their device by detecting eye movements—was also tracking their interest in potentially sensitive topics and selling the data to advertising partners and law enforcement agencies, calling the allegations "grossly exaggerated" and stating "the term 'sell' demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the structure of Apple's partnership agreements as detailed in the Terms of Service". Whistleblowers claim the software runs constantly even when not enabled, and allegedly checks reading speed and pupil dilation to gauge interest in products and services, but also in "sensitive topics". According to data mined by researchers from the University of [Blue State], this allegedly includes topics such as race relations and white supremacy, protesting and civil disobedience, firearm ownership, industrial sabotage, anti-corporate activism, abortion, environmentalism, police brutality, and political movements. Apple declined to comment further after the conclusion of their press release.

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    Not Asking
  • Wow, that's very profound. Thank you for wisely using both of our time on that insight.

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    Guardian Angel.
  • Are we not even going to consider the possibility that his children may have had bad vibes / been unpleasant to be around??

  • pannenkoek2012 of Watch for Rolling Rocks in 0.5 A presses fame returns with a in-depth examination of Super Mario 64's invisible walls that is approximately the same running time as Lawrence of Arabia


