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Why is waking up when my alarm goes off so difficult and unpleasant yet "sleeping in" doesn't feel good and isn't satisfying?
  • I think for some folks there's something primal going on, a feeling of being trapped when things are over their faces that they can't shake. It seems like something deep-seated and unconscious, really hard to get past. I get that way if I can't freely move my arms and legs while sleeping, but the face has never been so bad.

    I wish I knew some advice I could give that would help people struggling but whenever food, sex, or sleep is involved, we're still weird fleshy worm tubes twitching our way through a hostile world.

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    What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?
  • The scene where they're all buried and poisoned while the den is torn apart and the rabbits are trapped, desperately trying to push nose-first past all the bodies clogging the dead-end passages.. I had a lot of bad dreams from that one!

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    Why is waking up when my alarm goes off so difficult and unpleasant yet "sleeping in" doesn't feel good and isn't satisfying?
  • Seconded! I found out in my late twenties that I was waking up every three minutes, all night long. I used to sleep 10-18 hours a day if I could get the time, and was still exhausted.

    I won't even nap without my breathing machine now; the difference is shocking.

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    Which websites do you visit daily that you think others should know about?
  • Here's a few! While I mostly use the RSS feeds from these sites, I often read the web versions too:

    • Hack a Day, wonderful place to get clued into ground-up explorations of technical topics from the outside
    • BBC News, good for a world perspective that's not fully US-centric but still in English
    • OSNews, Operating System news for nerds like me who get legitimately excited for things like installing plan9 on bare metal
    • Ken Shirrif's Blog, the paragon of long-form teardown & explanation of vintage electronics, deeply insightful, terrifyingly technical but still approachable. Okay, not a daily update, but worth the wait
    • Create Digital Music, solid and considered electronic music instrument news and articles, for us unreformed synthesizer geeks
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    Why a Half a Million Artists left Instagram for Cara Last Week
  • I like that the owner is an artist herself, they aren't VC backed, and they don't allow AI generated art. The verification process for accounts is interesting. I'll be interested to see where it goes from here.
