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I see a lot of green tomato canning in my future
  • Prep some fried green tomatoes! After breading I pop them in the freezer on a tray and then move to a container. When ready to eat you then cook them like normal. I didn't grow tomatoes that will work well for them this year and I'm bummed. I wish you all the luck in your green tomato adventures.

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    This was only the ripest
  • I've slowly been making sauce or salsa (mostly sauce due to jalapeno shortage) in batches of 5-10lbs of Roma tomatoes over the last month. I finally bought a food mill. Happy saucing!

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    Not quite exactly one month of growth.
  • Here's my 2 months of growth . Our spring started early so I think I planted the 2nd weekend of May this year and we've had a lot of rain up until this month.

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    When a Retired Scientist Suggested Virginia Weaken Wetlands Protections, the State Said, No Way
  • After the Supreme Court weakened federal protection of wetlands last year, a Trump transition team member from Fairfax County urged the state to follow suit. But Virginia’s top environmental regulator stood his ground.

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    Multi-part "sample" mkvs refusing to import into plex
  • I also recommend unpackerr if you're getting zip and rar files, but that wasn't clear from your original post. Just know if you track hardlinks with something like qbit_manage, those torrents will show up as having no hardlinks.

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    What exactly are the "mini sweet peppers" that grocery stores sell?
  • I don't have an answer but I've had success growing them from seeds saved from when I've bought them at the grocery store. This year I'm going to test out Healthy peppers, no idea how similar they'll be.

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    Police probe UK Post Office for accusing over 700 employees of theft. The culprit was an IT glitch
  • I feel like this is important to call out.

    Between 1999 and 2015, more than 700 post office branch managers were accused of theft or fraud because computers wrongly showed that money was missing. Many were financially ruined after being forced to pay large sums to the company, and some were convicted and sent to prison. Several killed themselves.

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    TIL that salt rock, the stuff used during winter, helped contribute to the Flint Water Crisis
  • Except that reference isn't about I-35W, it's about the Lake County Grand River Bridges.

    ETA: Page xiii

    _The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was the inadequate load capacity, due to a design error by Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc., of the gusset plates at the U10 nodes, which failed under a combination of (1) substantial increases in the weight of the bridge, which resulted from previous bridge modifications, and (2) the traffic and concentrated construction loads on the bridge on the day of the collapse. Contributing to the design error was the failure of Sverdrup & Parcel’s quality control procedures to ensure that the appropriate main truss gusset plate calculations were performed for the I-35W bridge and the inadequate design review by Federal and State transportation officials. Contributing to the accident was the generally accepted practice among Federal and State transportation officials of giving inadequate attention to gusset plates during inspections for conditions of distortion, such as bowing, and of excluding gusset plates in load rating analyses.

    Before determining that the collapse of the I-35W bridge initiated with failure of the gusset plates at the U10 nodes, the Safety Board considered a number of potential explanations. The following factors were considered, but excluded, as being causal to the collapse: corrosion damage in gusset plates at the L11 nodes, fracture of a floor truss, preexisting cracking, temperature effects, and pier movement._
