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Does anyone use emacs as their main terminal emulator?
  • Yes, I have been using eshell exclusively for the last 7 years. It does have a few drawbacks, but for me it's definitely a win overall due to a) everything being in a buffer, b) being able to run both elisp functions and executables from the command line, and c) tramp.

    P.s. I chuckled a bit when you mentioned sixel graphics support as modern. :) Jokes aside, I have my own toy implementation of sixel graphics in elisp, so decent emacs support is probably out there already.

  • World surpasses key warming threshold across an entire year for the first time

    Scientists said the findings reaffirm the urgent need to slash planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions

    What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • Indeed! Computer Recreations was the absolute best. I remember implementing an algorithm from this that displayed 3d projections of a 4d rotating hypercube; then extending it to support red/blue cellophane 3d glasses (or as best as possible with a 16 colour pallette). So much fun and learnt so much!

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    Pin/lock certain files/buffers to specific tabs
  • Wow, I actually searched through both the Emacs and Elisp info manuals before making that claim, and came up empty. Sorry for the noise!
