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Daily Wire host goes on strange sexist rant: "Women cannot take care of themselves"
  • That's how you get Magna Carta where the aristocrats, the most powerful people, go to the king and say, we want power too.

    Tell me you don't know what the Magna Carta is without saying you don't know what the Magna Carta is.

    he's literally correct about what the magna carta is

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    Anon finds a plot hole
  • And now everyone pokes at it like it was ever supposed to be literature, with any serious thought behind it.

    terf lady doesn't help herself by incessantly insisting that everything was planned from the very start

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • just repeat nonsense like a broken record


    explained to you the fallacy of your argument in detail

    this is a really interesting way of phrasing "i repeated variations of 'no that's wrong' over and over again"

    i'm still waiting on your explanation of why your post isn't just a variation on "marxism good because i think it good"

    Enjoy having the last word being the child that you are.

    ACTUALLY heartbreaking that this is over for us we had such a good thing going

    you're probably the most prolific pro-marxism poster on the site and when you scratch the surface even slightly it turns out your brain is full of wood shavings it's probably not a good look bby

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    Daily Wire host goes on strange sexist rant: "Women cannot take care of themselves"
  • yeah, but it still specifically protected barons, not the common person

    when he says this:

    That's how you get Magna Carta where the aristocrats, the most powerful people, go to the king and say, we want power too

    he's correct

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • dropping the emojis again i love it

    your post boils down to "marxism good because i say", which is a shit argument for marxism

    there's really nothing more to it than that, and it's pretty obvious that you've realised it at this point

    hence how pointedly you're avoiding actually engaging with anything i say and i'm here for it every step of the way

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • ah and thus we arrive at the final stop of our journey

    "the right answer is right because i say it is right", confirming that, at no stage did you have anything resembling a good point to make in its defense

    i'm glad we could all reach this together i'm so happy for us

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • oh my god it was beautiful

    it was nearly an argument and then it just crashed and burned so quickly, and it was so clearly meant to be some kind of coup de grâce

    reasoning about the actual mechanics, and thinking through their implications

    okay so if a person grows up in the wrong environment, and so they reason about the actual mechanics, and think through the implications in a way that you don't like, it's bad

    but when they do it and get an answer that you do like, it's good

    the only difference between the two scenarios is your personal opinion on their conclusion

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • excuse me buddy i think you need to work on your

    reading comprehension

    let's try again

    can you trust a person's gut reaction? yes or no?

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • oh my god is that the point you were trying to make? i kind of assumed it wasn't because it actually doesn't help your argument in any way

    like, okay, you're shaped by your surroundings. so? so you can't trust your gut because your surroundings could have shaped you to have the wrong gut reaction?

    incredible that you're actually arguing against yourself now

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • have you forgotten what your point was? because a minute ago it was that you could trust the average person's gut impulse when it came to political philosophy. now it's that you can't? are you feeling okay?

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • *taps the sign*

    Donald Trump, a fascist, is currently polling about equally with his opponent, who is not a fascist, because while his policies are fascist, he isn't describing them as such. People are willingly voting for them because they think they're a good idea.

    If he campaigned on "I am a fascist", he would not be polling equally with his opponent.

    Please explain how these two ideas put together aren't an example of what you advocate for in your post.

    You'll also notice that me referencing polling figures doesn't mean that I agree with the outcome of polling. Absolutely shocking that I need to make this clarification, but there we go, I suppose.

    Or, you know, continue desperately avoiding making an actual argument because of how obvious it is that you accidentally made a pro-fascism, pro-eugenics post and for some reason can't accept that fact.

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    Something everyone agrees with until you name it
  • don't make me tap the sign

    also to preempt pls nobody do the intellectually dishonest thing of pretending me following this line of argument means im in love with eugenics and am here to argue for more eugenics or that i just dont think eugenics is such a bad thing after all thnk u

    on the other hand, your post advocates for fascism and eugenics
