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I cannot stand these spam calls any more.
  • I get daily calls about a house I don't own in a state I don't live in. I'm currently trying to play along, so that I can actually get a real U.S. company to call me, so I know who's behind it.

    From what I've read, U.S. realtors will use an Israeli company to robodial and generate leads. The company is very careful to not reveal who their client is (even questions like "can you tell me a little more about this?" will get them to hang up). But if I play along, maybe I'll eventually get a call that I can see is clearly from someone like Keller Williams.

    Once I get to that point, I'll be able to sue them for $1500 under the TCPA

    It's not even about the money at this point. I want it to stop. But if they want to be dickholes to this degree, they might as well pay me $1500. I don't expect one lawsuit to stop every company using this scumball service. But again, if I can get those assholes to pay me then why shouldn't I?
