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It's disappointing when game companies place it at the bottom of the priority list
  • Yup, Phasmophobia for instance is good. A bigger company could make more elaborate ghost stories, but would more likely go for micro transactions in cosmetics/items.

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    It's disappointing when game companies place it at the bottom of the priority list
  • I'm highly recommending Oxenfree for the conversation system. Characters talk to you and each other in real-time and you have to choose an answer or silence in time. It's might be more on the atmospheric side than story, but I recommend it anyway.

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    Highest peaks in the Arab world
  • Was looking through the map community and upvoted the post, but it felt necessary to point out what happened to two people that traveled to one of those places and what I feel about it.

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    Highest peaks in the Arab world
  • Such a pity there are such hostile people there, would probably be a lot more tourism otherwise. Two young Scandinavian women were going hiking in the Atlas mountains and got raped and decapitated by some islamists. I'm not going near those places.

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    Has to be those frozen wind turbines and solar panels...
  • I think you mean mining fissile materials. Nuclear is not in the same category of emissions as fossil fuels that burn carbon directly...

  • With Suno AI making some passable music, is it welcome here?


    Three moose was seen on the roof of a supermarket. One calf is suspected fleeing the scene while the mother died jumping down, as did the last calf seen on the video.


    Mountain is fucking with motorcyclists


    >Whether one looks at revenue, investment or coverage, men’s sports do better than women’s. Many assume that absolute differences in quality of athletic performance are the driving force. However, the existence of stereotypes should alert us to another possibility: gender information might influence perceived quality. We perform an experiment in which 613 participants viewed clips of elite female and male soccer players. In the control group, participants evaluated unmodified videos where the gender of the players is clear to see. In the treatment group, participants evaluated the same videos but with gender obscured by blurring. Using a regression analysis, we find that participants rate men’s videos higher – but only when they know they are watching men. When blurring obscures the gender, ratings for female and male athletes do not differ. We discuss implications for research and the sports industry.

    *Full abstract

    5 Ny forskning tyder på at vi liker herrefotball bedre – men kun når vi vet at det er menn

    Kvinnelige fotballspillere får stadig høre at de aldri kan måle seg med herrene. Nå har forskere bevist det motsatte.

    9 Fiskeren som tjente mer jo mindre han fisket

    Carl Aamodt (33) ble en av Norges største fiskeredere med spekulasjon på fiskekvoter. På fem år tjente han over en kvart milliard kroner utenom fisk.

    Kort fortalt spekulerer folk i kvotesystemet via båter som aldri blir brukt eller står til hugging fordi "Selv om et fartøy er besluttet opphugget, er det et fiskefartøy frem til kondemnering er gjennomført. -Fiskeridirektoratet" >For selv om båten allerede var slept til huggeriet, så søkte Aamodt om å få kjøpe til båten. Og selv om kvoter kun kan kjøpes til funksjonelle fiskebåter i aktiv drift, så ga Fiskeridirektoratet grønt lys.


    I have some points to make myself:


    • The map, which is a satellite/god view, rips you out of character. Paper maps keep more mystery.
    • The quest icons that it relies on should be changed for better quest directions.
    • Seeing enemies' exact health (and name) is also not great for immersion. More visual/audible damaged states is better.


    • Very few choices are made in the quests, instead one has to be in character by choosing what quests one embark on. It would be great to have some conversational options with consequences. Relations are important in RP.
    • Few people acknowledge you, to the degree you don't actually feel that you are saving anyone unlike in Oblivion. IDK if it's the voice actors or characters or that I haven't got to actively save anyone, except DLC Serana. There's that guy in the web that dies. In Oblivion there are monks fleeing towards you for help and more noticeably the knight in the Oblivion gate. I miss such moments.
    0 NRK beklager melding om påkjørsel

    NRK meldte tidligere i dag at en bil skal ha kjørt på flere personer i Drammen og at føreren var stukket av fra stedet. Politiet avkrefter nå at dette er tilfellet, og NRK beklager publiseringen. NRK Nyheter har ettergått hvordan dette kunne skje, forteller redaktør Kathrine Hammerstad: – Den opprin...


    When we post to Beehaw communties the posts will become hosted exclusively on our instance and not interact with other instances.

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    So we're getting some of that denial of reality onto Lemmy

    People denying realities like anthropogenic climate change. I can respect opinions, like applying full human value to an undeveloped fetus, but the straight up denial of what is verified truth I can't even tolerate. It's false. It's lies. It's brainwashed tribalism. And they are gonna dig their tribal community hole and stew in reactionary rage and fear with their incoherent arguments whilst following their strong leaders, because gods forbid they are wrong on anything. No, truth itself is gonna bend around the word of dear leader.

    The hateful cult newspeak is also rubbing me, but the denial of reality is the killer. And the mindnumbing memes that try to outwit with one-two sentences on comprehensive subjects. Political memes are a blight upon humanity and should be banned. Thanks for reading my sour micro(?)thought!
