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California town proposes ban on Pride, Black and women’s history celebrations
  • To add to this, during their various debates and declarations, state legislatures of Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia all explicitly gave slavery as the primary reason for their attempt to destroy the United States government. So literally more than half.

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    The Forest (La forêt) by Max Ernst (~1928)
  • I really like Ernst’s work, and am kinda surprised Holywood hasnt made a biopic about his life yet. Pretty much believed his pet bird from his childhood that died was reincarnated as his sister. Had no formal artistic training other than being interested in the art of patients living in asylums. Fought in WWI. Was part of a thrupple in France.

    When WWII broke out he was arrested by the French for being German. Then France fell and he was arrested by the Gestapo for his surrealist art (and preciously having married a Jewish woman). Escaped and fled to America until the 50’s.

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    U.S. political ad market projected to reach record $16 billion in 2024
  • But only as a means to keeping/retaining their own power and campaign contributions. If the people could outspend monied interests more conveniently most would probably be out on the streets a lot more shaking hands and kissing babies.

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    Kevin McCarthy fact-checked on American history in brutal community note
  • Not included in this article is the numerous times the US Government would kill a bunch of indigenous people and drive them off their land. Or the times we’d forcibly relocate them to small pockets of uninhabitable land and settle where they used to live.

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    TIL that Hitler approved the construction of a supertank weighing 1,000 tons, over 100 feet long, with a main gun repurposed from the deck gun of a battleship.
  • Its arguable that a significant part of the defeat of the Germans on the Eastern Front was due to the Germans loving to over-engineer things. Especially tanks. And had an obsession with having big guns on them. To the point they could only go 5-10 mph and if anything broke on it it would have to go back to Germany because the design was so weird/complex. Cant remember if it was the Rat or not, but there was even a tank where if you wanted to shoot the cannon somebody had to get out and unbolt it from the hull because it was so big it made it unwieldy to drive.

    Meanwhile Soviets just said “Haha T-34 factory go brrrr”, and was easy enough to make and use that there are stories of workers completing the tanks and driving them straight to the front. Illiterate farmer Vasily from the Urals could help weld on parts and then go take part in the fight.

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    Imagine fucking up so bad that the Armenians and Turks are repairing relations just to piss you off.
  • I mean Armenia has basically survived since ancient history but swallowing a lot of bitter pills, and allying with countries that previously did terrible shit to them.

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    Donald Trump's Colorado ruling "worst decision" he could get: Attorney
  • My understanding is that that applies to other state courts making rulings, but i cant see how that apples to apples to Secretaries of State deciding that he is an invalid candidate. Which is why it would possibly force the Trump campaign to sue and push to force the SC to rule on the issue one way or the other. Because if they dont then Trump could remain off the ballot in that state.

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    Tempers flare and bills languish as Speaker Johnson confronts the same problems that vexed McCarthy
  • No no no. God’s will only applies to things Republicans like. Like Trump, the Bushes, etc. Anything that they dont like like the Clintons, Obama, etc. are clearly the work of THE DEVIL, and need to be eradicated with prejudice (something they are well known for).

    Weird how that works isn’t it? 🤔
