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Kill me!
  • You were the one to pull bullshit out of your ass, so you should back up your claims, but here:

    Mixes are not more healthy or better in any way, it just means that they inherit random things, good or bad. The problem is you never know what you get.

    Allergy is not caused by pet hair, but dander saliva and urine.

    Have a nice day, I got to walk my dog now.

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    [Ian Cutress] The Problem with Tech Media: Ego, Dogmatism, and Cult of Personality
  • Let me drop this quote here:

    “Right-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable …”

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    How do you organize your DHCP clients?
  • I’m paranoid so I have created a physically separate network for the IoT stuff. Everything gets its IP from the same server from a /25. The lower is the trusted network, high IPs are not. IoT network devices cannot open connections to the other network. A bit awkward, but works fine.
