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PlayStation to Shut Down New Game ‘Concord’ Two Weeks After Launch, Will Refund Players
  • Fastest I've seen was a game called "Hyenas". It was an extraction shooter from Sega and right when it was going to launch they knew the juice wasn't worth the squeeze and cancelled a completely finished game weeks out from launch.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • You would think so but you basically are making a patch work version of the illicit actual media so it's a dark dark gray area for sure.

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    Milky Deadpool
  • It was good fan service and kept my attention, 8 out of 10 because they did their homework and wrote in characters well enough while giving wolverine a reason to come back.

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    Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.
  • Debates dont matter and neither do you. Go get lost in the woods like when you did your walk of a shame after your 2nd failed attempt at becoming president.

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    Jimmy Carter : The Most [Unfairly] Hated President of the United States - Documentary
  • It's interesting because it was after my time but hindsight kind of showed he was right in principal but wasn't a great statesman and couldn't do the political calculations behind the scenes to rally his own party much less unit both sides.

    I vaguely know about Ollie North and how the hostage situation before his second election run sabotaged his campaign but that seems to be more a nail in the coffin rather than the only reason for his failure.

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    Choose your items
  • Spices and the bic/rockets. Spices for trading and light to light alone is going to help barter and survive but the rockets for defence

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    Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity
  • Don't know but I can't recall a time where I was commenting online that I wanted someone to be assassinated. It's just weird to joke about but it's just so common now.

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    Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity
  • This is a fucking wild comment. I couldn't have imagined this being the discourse we have as politically acceptable on either side. We are low-key driving off the cliff and going into civil war territory and I'm seeing it everywhere.

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    This tweet was from 2022. Can someone go check if the prediction came true?
  • I was there. I started slow clapping and slowly, but surely, everyone joined me as your father walked out in shame. The waitress came up to me and asked "who was that brave man that gave me that tip?" And I told her "your soul mate".

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    Bernie Sanders calls on Congress to block funding to Israel
  • Correct. The record shows he hasn't ask for a cease fire and should have done more early on. You are right, and don't let the fandom of a political figure get in the way of the facts of a situation. I respect Bernie and that's why I along with others needed him to stand against what's happening.

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    PC died. Trying the legal options.
  • Have you tried the library? It's definitely location dependent but I've found it's a good way watch obscure things and whenever I don't want to "find" this online I'll check there first. I also like that it gives the city a reason to keep the library open by having more people use it.

    Try the library.

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    Monthly observations thread Dec 2023
  • Oregon, PDX: I've noticed a lot of businesses and restaurants closing and a ton more overdoses and emergency vehicles downtown.

    My job specifically relies on business to business interactions and NOBODY wants to be downtown. It's to the point Ted Wheeler (mayor) is now pleading for people to go back to the office because the commercial realastate bubble is on the verge of hitting and business owners know it.

    We are blindly waking around hoping things go back to the way they were and I see so many delusional takes and wonder where we are going to be next year as a city.

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    Russia wants female prisoners to give birth as population fears grow
  • Not an expert on this at all but I feel like it's less of "the human race is going to die out" vs the owner class needs cheap labor and bodies for war to continue infinite growth.

    My running theory is in the United States, Republican's obsession with abortion is tied to the fact they need poor and broken families to pump out kids for future cheap labor and the prison industrial complex to make a nation function moving forward. That and the gray sunami of a upside down pyramid with not enough young to take care of the older generations (I think Japan and China are experiencing this currently).

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    One console, one game
  • I would have to say Elden Ring. Just walking out to see limgrave and all of it's glory and the pure joy of a non linear souls like with exploration I've never experienced before made this a top 5 best game ever.

    I played it on PlayStation 4 and quite honestly it felt great with the trackpad and the placement of the sticks where I could really feel responsive with my movement in PVP.

    Playing new game is fun but man I would pay to have a brain injury to forget everything about Elden Ring just to experience it for the first time.

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    Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not
  • He is senile. That doesn't mean I don't like his administrations policies and that doesn't take away that he has done more for a progressive agenda than what was expected.

    He's on the same path as Regan was with his age, the difference is social media wasn't a thing so they could hide Regan easier.

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    Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not
  • That's a deeper question and not what I was talking about but as a fake populist? Yeah, in the eyes of his base. He's really good at messaging and straight up lying about being pro worker and for the people.

    I feel the current administration has done tangible things policy wise to help people but the Democrats don't know how to take a victory lap when they accomplish these achievements.

    I think the general population, indicated by recent polls, think Biden is too old and not up to do a second term. They want anybody else to run against Trump.

    the issue is you are thinking I'm cheerleading Trump and that's not my intention. Im pointing out that there is voting block that is ready to sit out over the lack of enthusiasm for Biden and hatred for the political institutions that haven't helped the average voter over the years.

    It's how Trump got elected in the first place.
