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4 wk. ago
  • From a cursory glance of 1.), it seems to follow that ::: spoiler spoiler x = 0

    The outer triangle has sides 8, 5, and 3. This doesn't form a triangle.

    Edit: bah, never mind. I looked at the solution, and I'm a dunce. x = 1 because 4 - 3 = 1. :::

  • Kanye has such small dick energy

  • Spain and Donkey Kong striking the perfect balance.

  • Ok, what absolute ghouls downvoted this? Show yourselves.

  • That's why you power the thing with renewables. We have to switch to green energy; that's a given. But the point of DAC is we've already so thoroughly fucked up the environment that we have to also go further and start cleaning up our mess. Just switching to all solar power generation and electric cars would eventually work, but it would take hundreds of years at least for atmospheric CO2 to go back to normal.

  • Time to start titrating off of them, because when he makes them illegal, if you're still at your full dose, going off SSRIs cold turkey is extremely dangerous.

  • I clicked through but never could see the actual list. Anyone know where to find that? The best I could find were three from those who've rolled back DEI pledges and three from those who've maintained theirs.

  • Liberals

  • Poor turnout? That election had some of the highest voting numbers in our history.

  • Read the comments; this is a non-issue

  • Once again, China takes the reigns as defender of earth.

  • Put them in gitmo and make them work as prisoner slaves

  • A previous post mentioned flatworms "penis fencing" to determine who impregnates whom, so I assume this is a post-fencing copulation session.

  • There's going to be a lot of math papers getting flagged by these dunces