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What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
  • So will an earthquake. It may be “cheap” but we do it that way because it’s light. At least in California. That way if it falls on you, you might not die.

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    What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
  • I’m from California so my wealth meter is broken beyond all reason. Is 1.1 million euros really considered “rich?” Everybody’s making jokes about wearing a monocle or not asking questions about flooding and I’m sitting here thinking about the house on my street that sold for about that much recently…and is a tear-down. 😭

    Edit: actually wait, it was more like twice that much… it was like $2.3 mil and there’s no way they do any less than strip it to the framing.

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  • We do have solar, which doesn’t cover everything but covers some. Either way, we figure if we use the more efficient car, less goes to PG&E than if we were charging the larger car more frequently.

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  • Thank you, with the brain comment my mind went immediately to the brain worm and I was super confused because I highly doubted AOC would have ever endorsed him.

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  • Wouldn’t that be great? I think some fancy cars do it, but not ours. To be fair, it’s a small price to pay for giving gas companies and PG&E less money.

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  • We have two electric cars, a big one and a small one. The small one is “mine” and the big one is “his.” However, we both work from home so the only commute anymore is taking the kids to school. So, whenever possible, we take the little one because it’s more efficient by far. He doesn’t mind and thankfully it saves seat profiles, even if we always have to adjust the mirror.

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    What is the proudest you have ever been towards your significant other?
  • I’m not saying it’s always the right idea to stay with someone in this sort of situation. But the fact that you did was probably a major reason she could be successful. She knew she had support and that is so, so important.

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    Some brief thoughts on composite wood in regard to bird house construction
  • There is so much that can go wrong with human-built bird houses. When I was a very young adult, I worked for a retail bird seed store and learned all sorts of things about backyard birds in order to be able to help customers. One of the things I learned was how specific houses needed to be for each type of bird. One of the major risks was that building it incorrectly would make it easier for predators to get at the nest, for instance. It also mattered where you installed it.

    Now that I’m in my 40s, jaded and skeptical, I kind of wonder if some of that was all marketing (oh the wren house is different from the bluebird house so maybe you need both?) but the franchise did really seem to have good intentions. We didn’t make most of our money on that stuff anyway. The real money was in the ongoing fancy birdseed purchases.

    Anyway, I can totally see why the material of a birdhouse would matter. I wonder how much good man-made birdhouses are in general?

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    Michael B. Jordan To Direct And Star In New ‘Thomas Crown Affair’ Movie From Outlier Society And Amazon MGM Studios
  • (I have not seen them but) I feel Pierce Brosnan was born at the wrong time. So much of the cinema in the 90s was so campy. Just comparing 90s Bond to modern Bond, there’s a big difference in tone. Then again, maybe it’s actually his preference; he did do Mamma Mia after all. I can just imagine him as a more serious actor and would love to see it. How does the Thomas Crowne Affair rank in that way?

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    Forbidden cheese
  • Does it count when the photographer is taking a picture of the sign and the cheese just happens to be in the frame?

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    Hummingbird Feeders
  • As someone who always spells it wrong, I must tell you how much I appreciate “fuhshchias”

    Also hummingbirds love my fuchsias.

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    This makes my brain hurt
  • The guitar one made me physically cringe because it felt the most damaging. The camera and eyeglasses can be cleaned; the orange juice could be thrown out and replaced. I suppose you could restring the guitar but it just feels like there’s a potential for further damage somewhere on the bridge or the other parts I forget the names of.

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    It's time for a change
  • We added onto our house and our contractor suggested flat and I vetoed it. Eggshell at minimum, please! I don’t do trendy. So happy to have insisted.

    All of our trim is in Swiss Coffee though, lol. The funny thing is, I’d much rather have dark wood trim but that would cost a fortune. Maybe someday I’ll improve my DIY skills enough and do it myself.

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    I remember a lot of fire, some sliding down ropes, and not much water
  • We just saw the stunt show this summer. I haven’t seen the movie since watching it on some movie channel in the 90s. Seeing the show made me want to go back and watch it (I remember liking it as a kid — not saying I had good taste) but I’m afraid to be disappointed!

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    What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • I’m so irritated because I allowed myself to get out of the habit. I worked at a place for eight years where the marketing department insisted on not using it as part of their style guidelines and we were all supposed to follow suit. I disagreed in principle (and actually I’m pretty sure the marketing director agreed with me, but was overruled by the executive director) but still had to adapt, and I guess eight years was long enough that I don’t automatically put it in anymore and it pisses me off that I now have to think about it.

  • My 10yo is quite skinny. My husband was also skinny as a kid so generally we haven’t worried about it much. But he just had his yearly checkup, and for the past two years he’s gained very little while still growing taller, and his BMI is dropping off the chart. The doc ordered a blood test and it came back fine, no celiac or thyroid issues (PHEW). So we’re back to trying to boost his intake.

    He’s not a super picky kid but he can be reluctant to try things. He eats a lot of classic kid food with no problem: mac and cheese, pizza, burgers, chicken nuggets, etc. He also tends to eat a ton of fruits and veggies, which I don’t want to discourage or course! I might try PB&J again but he doesn’t love it like he used to.

    The doc did say that she tends to prefer that kids eat their calories instead of drink them, but if a protein drink works for him, it’s an option as long as it’s not displacing solid food. I picked up one by Orgain the other day and he doesn’t seem overly thrilled with it. I’d be curious to know if other people have tried other brands and what their kids thought of them.

    Anyone deal with this? What worked for you?


    Maybe this isn’t the right community to post in, so apologies if this seems odd. But I figure we sewists may have specific needs or thoughts when it comes to garment care so this is the first place I thought of to ask.

    My washer is throwing error codes this morning and googling suggests it might be related to some computer panel or other, and I’m a bit worried that repairs are going to be so expensive that it might mean a new washer is in the cards. We’ll see.

    Are there any features that you love in your washer, wish it had, or downright hate?

    Also, back when we bought this thing, front loaders were all the rage. It seems like top loaders are back in fashion. Does anyone know the story there and/or why a top loader might be a better option?

    I’m all ears for opinions about dryers too!

    Thanks in advance, y’all.
