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Nail guns have come a long way
  • Peak nailgun performance

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    40k trans rights
  • Law and order font?

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    My First Dutch Baby
  • 9
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    gold cart
  • It’s a reference to the fact that the original Zelda cartridge for NES was gold

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    Fear me
  • A true apex predator

  • NSFW
    Those really are 10/10 tits
  • Hope she comes back

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    Nest Learning Thermostat leaks with new features and UI, Google Home update
  • It’s been supported for years but definitely one of the least user friendly cloud setups

    Have to set up both a cloud project and device access project and configure pub/sub all within Google cloud services just to get it to talk to home assistant. And then obviously the entire integration is still cloud dependent. And there’s a $5 fee on top of that to get access to these services which while not much is still annoying. The API support is also limited and doesn’t support newer features like the additional temperature sensor pucks (which have been out for like 2-3 years)

    There are a few zwave thermostats out there and ecobee can be set up using HomeKit for completely cloudless local control so I’ll be jumping on one of those to get rid of the nest.

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    Normal amount
  • Same. Firing up Doom and Wolfenstein from the DOS command prompt at your friends house and everyone taking turns was definitely normal

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    Nest Learning Thermostat leaks with new features and UI, Google Home update
  • I was an earlier adopter of nest and I while it was initially cool my next thermostat will be something with support for local control and better home assistant integration not tied to the cloud

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    Normal amount
  • I think this was probably still a common thing for people in their 30s now, it wasn't that long ago

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    Anon gets pumped up
  • Master chief?

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    Lawsuit: T-Mobile must pay for breaking lifetime price guarantee
  • Unless the amount they have to pay exceeds what it was going to cost them to honor those lifetime agreements this is just the cost of doing business not a penalty

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    Mukilteo Police Ticketing on a Tesla
  • Unmarked cars have been around forever

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    Trump Airpods
  • They had a 50% to get this correct and did it backwards

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    Sony won't phase out Blu-ray movie and game discs, only ceasing production on consumer BD-R
  • Great news. Being able to own media in the highest quality without worrying about streaming services or online markets randomly taking it away due to licensing issues is very important imo

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    Decades later, John Romero looks back at the birth of the first-person shooter

    Time flies I guess it’s almost a year old already but this is what I was referring to

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    Fuck this guy.
  • Would you kindly?

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    Decades later, John Romero looks back at the birth of the first-person shooter
  • Read his new book and it was a cool look into that era of game design and development. Id games played a huge part in my becoming a computer geek

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    Fisker files for bankruptcy protection, the second electric vehicle maker to do so in the past year
  • Lordstown Motors was the other one to file for bankruptcy according to the article. Admittedly hadn’t heard of them

  • Just upgraded from a Model 3 to a Model S and enabled FSD and I’m noticing I can’t change the FSD profile with the right scroll wheel. Up/down and clicking work fine but left and right don’t seem to do anything. Not sure if this is intended or not but the user manual indicates the behavior should be the same. Wondering if I got a defective scroll wheel or if there’s another place in the UI I can test.
