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Suggestions for Linux Distribution
  • I don't game much but I'd try to stay closer to the debian ecosystem, or one of the more well-known distros. There are a lot of cases where there's a debian and ubuntu installer for something and otherwise you gotta compile or hope for an appimage or flatpak. Ubuntu's out because snaps are horrible, although you can get rid of those. Personally I install debian on all my boxes. It's a really minimal distro and things tend to go pretty fast because of that. Debian or I hear Fedora's great.

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    Opinion on modular vehicles with standardized parts?
  • The existing auto industry would squash this as quickly and effectively as possible, we'd absolutely need a command economy to put something like this through.

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    Musk building huge spy satellite network for the US – Reuters
  • Am I reading this right that they're using existing Starlink satellites? That's some real fuel for conspiracy theorists, what the hell did he launch in massive numbers all over the world?

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    If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • We made an automaton clerk. It has neither arms nor body, but it works all day translating physician's documents, so they may be stored with uniformity in a library that has neither shelves nor paper.

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    Out of sight, Afghans are going hungry: Taliban abuses exacerbate impact on women and girls, rights group says
  • I bet they'd be doing a lot better if the US hadn't stolen $7B USD from their central bank, or you know, bombed the country into oblivion for two decades, or armed and trained the Mujahideen (including Osama) against the Soviets when they wanted to assist Afghanistan's socialist development. No, blame it all on the Taliban, an organization that profoundly reflects US involvement. That way Western capitalist press can manufacture consent for more US involvement. I'm sure Afghani people are hoping we'll "help" more. There is no price too great, if we can raise revenue for US arms manufacturers.

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    ExxonMobil CEO blames climate crisis on the public, stirring outrage
  • The animal industries have their own lobbying and disinformation campaigns. The pro-corporate media environment is an inextricable part of capitalist society. Their CEOs and those of Exxon et al are all basically saying "we're doing what we're permitted to do, it's your job to reign us in for any social good whatsoever". Any rational actor in a society that permits this will do this if given the opportunity. They're products of their environment. Sometimes they'll get ratioed on X, and agree to some small concession, a mere unconscious twitch of the power of the people causing multibillion $ companies to yelp in terror.

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    ExxonMobil CEO blames climate crisis on the public, stirring outrage
  • In a way, he's right. You can't expect a trillion dollar private company to do anything but maximize profits any way they can get away with. It's in the interest of the public to overthrow capitalism and the responsibility falls on us to understand this and do this. ExxonMobil exists with the consent of the masses.

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    There is something wrong at the New York Times
  • I skimmed it. I don't need convincing that NYT are lying hacks. It's pretty small potatoes imo compared to their usual shenanigans

    I thought by the headline they were talking about this

    Usually NYT can be found with their lips on the metaphorical ring of the neoliberal western order, so if they're not full-throated in support of one of its champions, that's a little interesting but not very.
