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What is a product that sounded promising but ended up being very underwhelming?
  • Not sure if they’re a “leader” but I got two shark robot vacuums (same model) that are excellent. In the past I have purchased the “bump around and vacuum in circles and hope they don’t get stuck” type and they were just ok. The new ones I have can map the room with IR and you can program no go spaces in the app. I have two because the downside is it can only map one floor at a time so if I wanted it to run on two floors one would be mapped and the other would be “random bumping around” method.

    The new one also came with a tank so if I run it on the whole first floor and it gets full it’ll go empty itself and start back up again.

    I got em last year and ran me around $350 each I believe.

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    Has anyone experienced a spinal disc bulge, hernia, and/or or stenosis/radiculopathy and how long did it take to recover?
  • Twice. First time from waaaay too much time sitting as I had a full time job and then several hours studying for my CPA exam for several months. That time it got better over a couple months just by getting a standing desk at work (I alternated standing and sitting about an hour at a time) and light exercise along with nsaids.

    The second time I reinjured it deadlifting too heavy. That one I could not get rid of it despite stretching, PT, acupuncture and laying off most compound lower body work for at least 6 months. But then I went on a week long vacation that involved a LOT of walking…and it was like 70% better when I got home and almost fully healed 2 weeks later.

    I still get dull aches here and there but nothing I can’t work around or stretch out pretty easily. Mine never resulted in numbness of extremities but it was pretty limiting. And in my case it really appeared that regular movement and breaking from my day in and out routine made a huge difference.

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    What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?
  • There was a movie with Rosie O’Donnell called Exit to Eden. My mom was not particularly uptight about us seeing R rated stuff and the previews made it look like a slightly dirty comedy. It was Rosie O’Donnell in like…the 90’s so I mean…she did not look into it any further than that.

    Turns out it’s basically a soft core porno with a couple funny bits and it was extremely awkward to sit through.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Hmmm…truly new tech that came out after I was 35…

    VR …yeah pretty cool, my partner has one but I’m not a gamer and don’t generally go for anything gaming anyways. Use it more widely for non gaming uses tho and I’m on board. Self driving cars …cool, don’t have one, never been in one, but I’m all over learning/using that shit if it becomes mainstream AI… personally not a fan, mostly cuz I think it could be like nukes where it’s used for more bad than good, but I’ve messed my way around ChatGPT and it’s whatevs. Probably eventually very useful if we don’t murder ourselves first.

    Personally, having gotten our first school PCs when I was in 7th grade (92’ -ish), I find that I tend to at least be curious and want to learn about new tech. So I wonder if the late genX, early millennials might break rule #3 just cuz we were forced to know more about computers to run them and thus don’t view tech as inherently scary. Then again, I’m always fucking around with stuff and my siblings (2 yrs older and younger) are always like “woah how u do dat?!?”…maybe im just a lazy oddball always looking for a way to shortcut my life with technology.

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    The Space Between (welcome!)

    Hello! After 27 years of following DMB, sometimes obsessively, sometimes just as background music, my passion has been reawakened after a monumental trip to The Gorge with my sister (a truly rabid fan).

    Whenever my interests start pointing solidly in a given direction, I become like “Number 5” in Short Circuit and always need “more input!”

    While I don’t know if Lemmy is yet the place to foster a super active community (I have hope but our numbers are few compared to other social media), it does tend to attract passionate types, and in the music world DMB fans rank pretty high in passion.

    So I welcome you to this community and hope you subscribe and help make it a place where we can talk about our favorite band, especially if you’re like me and have given up most other forms of social media out there!!

    “Now the world is small, compared to how it used to be with mountains and oceans and winters and rivers and stars”

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Well I haven’t dropped social media entirely because….I’m here. But about 2 years ago I got completely off of FB…I had been off Instagram for a while, never did TikTok and rarely used Twitter or chat style social media. I cancelled my Reddit account during the API thing and came here…but still occasionally lurk without an account there. And the reason is this…what I really miss is other people’s thoughts. Sane, crazy, silly, angry…whatever. I love to learn random facts, I love to watch a tv show and see what everyone else thinks, and I like reading what the average person thinks about world news and yes, even politics (though I always keep in mind that bots and trolls are a thing). I liked it on Reddit because if I read something that seemed off to me, it wasn’t connected to the face of my beloved Aunt, or well intentioned but batty mother. It was a face in the crowd but it was a way to find out thoughts from people outside my bubble.

    Podcasts are helping because a lot are run by just normal people…so I get a bit of a “fix” there. But I love watching something or reading a random book and then just searching it on Reddit to see what other people thought. I really hope one day Lemmy grows enough to fulfill that for me. It’s getting closer for sure.

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    What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • My dentist (who is also my friend) told me I have great saliva. Fortunately it was while I was getting my cleaning…not in random hang out conversation.

    I stick with pretty neutral compliments towards others but probably in my own profession I’ve expressed over the top enthusiasm for remarkably good handwriting or very organized/complete records. I’ve gotten a couple of laughs out of clients because it’s semi-rare and it’s kinda odd to get excited about those things.

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    Tim Walz’s net worth is less than the average American’s
  • Ex-catholic here who unknowingly moved deep into WELS Lutheran territory (if u haven’t heard of that one…well, I’m jealous ;)). Sadly, they ain’t all like that. And unlike Catholicism…there’s like a million different Lutheran synods…with rules and culture that vary WIDELY.

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    Have you been stolen from?
  • It was a while now at this point and I have wondered if there was some “he didn’t like me as much as I disliked him” energy. It does seem unlikely that it was unintentional since it’s not a home pantry where everything is yours and u can just be absent minded about it. We all grow and change…sometimes i think it sticks in my head more because I really wanna know the motivation more than anything else.

    Thanks for your insight!

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    Have you been stolen from?
  • A coworker I didn’t particularly like, but we were able to work together fine, was leaving the job. On his last day…I came in to start my shift, he was ending his…we were the only two on staff (evening/nights job). I kept a box of ice cream sandwiches with my name on it in the work fridge for a mid-shift snack. Found out later in my shift that he ate the last one…put the wrapper in the box and left the box in the freezer. Not sure if it was personal or he was just a POS…but I was LIVID.

    Definitely more of a “mildly infuriating” one…but it sticks with me.

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    What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • Tony Tony look around, something’s lost and can’t be found. Please help me find [item].

    That’s what we used to say. I don’t think Tony liked me very much tho.

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    The Circle of Life
  • Yah I have a loose treaty in my home too. If I see you and you’re not racing towards my face (or dropping on my head)…no one has to get hurt. If you’re super active and potentially in my way…I have a little bug scoop and off you go back into nature. Also…please don’t make your homes in my bedroom…any other room is fine, basement is preferred.

    However if you are hell bent on scaring the crap outta me, or crawling up on me…I cannot guarantee my fear reflexes won’t smash you. I will feel badly though.

    This holds for all insects in my home except earwigs, mosquitos and super fast centipedes (I catch and release the dopey ones tho)

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    What song you can't believe you were singing as a kid and nobody stopped you?
  • Back when I took singing lessons my teacher (who mostly taught kids but I was an adult learner) shared that she often had to veto the songs kids wanted to sing. One in particular that stuck with me was a less than 10 year old who wanted to sing Lady Gaga’s Love Game. Which has the lyric “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick” among other very adult lyrics.

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  • Agree. In the US the tipping culture has gotten out of hand. Tipping is meant to cover situations where it’s legal to pay your staff under minimum wage and thus tipping evens that out (I still hate it but that’s the current law). I only tip in those industries, or industries where the person providing the service is self-employed/subcontracting in most situations (salons, spas, etc), or where the service is above and beyond or very specialized. Otherwise, it only encourages a culture where it’s expected that the consumer subsidize wages.

    I do understand that tipping gives more $ in the pocket of lower wage workers, but I feel too strongly that it will lead to an eventual shift of tipping for ANY service I the long run and I cannot encourage that. I own a small business and I pay my employees very well. It is the responsibility of the employer to do this not the consumer/customer/client.

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    True fact
  • You know…I always thought that cat feets were universally adorable. Then I got my massive orange tabby who has the LONGEST toes I have ever seen on a cat. They are truly disgusting and I tell him so daily (but still kiss them all the time while choking back vomit) >.<
