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Impossible nuggets are pretty wild
  • Not OP, but IME the breading tends to fall off when they're chopped and moved around a bunch, but if you mix sliced air fried ones in at the very end that'd probably turn out pretty well.

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    Impossible nuggets are pretty wild
  • Yeah! Those nuggets are my go to quick protein snack. And cholesterol free, to boot.

    BRB, gonna make some nuggets now...

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    Warning: just got hacked
  • If done via hacked admin credentials, this is a great advertisement for enabling 2FA anywhere it's supported. AIUI Lemmy is also getting support for this for user accounts soon (

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    Not Eating Enough of These Six Healthy Foods is Associated with Higher Cardiovascular Disease and Deaths Globally
  • This is interesting and something I've not heard of - can you recommend a starter link for someone with a basic stats background? I had some in undergrad, but this sounds like a topic that could get very tinfoil-hat-y if not searched correctly and with good context.

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    informal PSA: i am (and have been) on indefinite break
  • You've done awesome with this instance. It's great to hear you're taking a break and paying attention to burnout - it's not all on you, so take the time you need to center yourself and get your mojo back. We'll be waiting, but not in the creepy or stressful way hopefully ^^

  • !

    Hi everyone! Figured I'd introduce myself to the community by posting a thing I just made this morning.

    I needed to cut 2" thick memory foam for some cushions I was making for my wife - using scissors felt awkward, so I grabbed some nichrome wire and ceramic insulators from a different project, and hooked them up to a variac to control the heat.

    I was sure to connect earth ground to the stainless steel wire support and to the table to ensure it was safe-ish. All in all, not a bad result for an hour of side questing.

    Finished cushion next to one of the backing plywood pieces:

