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Pretty sure it's the same guy as this picture:


Pretty sure this is the chick of this guy. They nested in my bush.


Missed focus... Curse the Fuji X-T200 autofocus!

  • Fujifilm X-T200
  • XC15-45mm at 45mm
  • F8, 1/500s, ISO 250
How to advocate for yourself and navigate a strained health-care system
  • Ah so the health care system is so bad we have to fight for it now. At this point it is only a matter of time until they make us pay for it. Then it'll be further enshittified. Things are great 😐

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    Loblaw backs away from plan to end 50% discount on food nearing best-before date
  • I went to the store a week ago when this was implemented. There were 30% off items everywhere. Presumably people were not buying them and Loblaws had to throw stuff out. They are backing down not because they "listened to feedback" but probably because they are losing money. The greed wins again...

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    Toronto to explore municipal sales tax as part of plan to tackle 'unprecedented financial crisis'
  • Yup this is basically it. I even have people arguing with me here the moment i mention the word property tax. Unfortunately a lot of people would vote against their own long term interest in terms of services, community well being etc. for short term capital gains (and in the case of real estate, that's tax free, lol).

    This is perhaps the greatest problem facing us in the 21st century democracy as the world has become more and more complex and the cause and effects of things becomes ever more debatable.

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    Toronto to explore municipal sales tax as part of plan to tackle 'unprecedented financial crisis'
  • Yeah but it is literally the biggest thing we should do as mentioned by the report that would address almost 40% of the problem. I'm not sure why are we are debating that we shouldn't do this considering that property tax rates are 3x lower in GTA than everywhere else in Ontario, and that it fixes a large part of the problem.

    Basically, before we take the initial, and most impactful step that is uncomfortable but necessary, we are proposing future things to do that is less painful sounding but doesn't have clear returns. We all know why: people don't want to pay more and want to make it someone else's problem instead. Even the report acknowledges this political challenge. This conversation is basically the evidence for that.

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    Toronto to explore municipal sales tax as part of plan to tackle 'unprecedented financial crisis'
  • Not sure how you got to that conclusion. I said wealth, not income. Wealth inequality is not the same as income inequality and taxing incoming doesn't fix wealth inequality. Neither does taxing consumption, as most people tend to horde their wealth in some sort of asset.

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    Toronto to explore municipal sales tax as part of plan to tackle 'unprecedented financial crisis'
  • Sure groceries are exempt, but there is a limit on how much you can reasonably spend. At the rate housing and asset prices are, there appears no limit on how much your wealth can grow. So instead of using a proxy metric (spending) to tax people with wealth, just go after it directly instead.

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    Toronto to explore municipal sales tax as part of plan to tackle 'unprecedented financial crisis'
  • Sales tax uniformly applies to everyone by the same absolute amount but relatively affects poorer people more. The city should just raise property taxes instead. May help reduce the housing cost as well which would make the city more affordable.

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    Wayland lmao
  • I use gnome, and it has a lot of pain points:

    • fractional scaling with multiple monitor sucks. Now it sucked with X too but this is not that big of an improvement.
    • fractional scaling single monitor sucks with the upscaling system for xwayland. X is also bad with tearing, but with a single monitor you can just font scale.
    • gnome fractional scaling sucks as it can cause artifacts like lines and dots to appear at edge of screens. Presumably some sort of division rounding problem but idk. Probably gnomes fault but doesn't happen on X. Also not Nvidia issue as I run Intel GPUs.
    • Wayland gnome has a number of performance and usability problems. Waking laptop from sleep: the mouse cursor will stutter (wtf!) for around 5-10 seconds before behaving normally. Not an issue with X. There are general performance problems with gnome tho so more than likely it is gnome's fault as usual.
    • sometimes when you unplug from monitors, the screen will stay blank for 30-60s, frozen, until it figures out. Probably also a gnome problem but it is not like this on X.
    • dragging from the archive manager to decompress file into nautilus doesn't work under Wayland. May have been fixed, but not in Ubuntu 22.04
    • screen share support is broken
    • global shortcut is simply not supported because of "security reasons".

    Also the other pain point is how no one cares and how people are like.. well it works for me, or they don't care about stutters, or they say their distro and desktop environment is better, and blaming the user.
