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Nothing else to say on the matter
  • Me when I have a migraine

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    Which is which though?
  • JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. So by the other user's logic, you shouldn't be using the hard /p/ sound.

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    Which is which though?
  • How do you pronounce JPEG?

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    Trek or Treat - Share your Star Trek Halloween and gain strength from it
  • This was from last year since this year we're doing a different costume.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You've just described Lemmy

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    What was the worst case of dejá vu you have ever experienced?
  • Definitely a glitch in the matrix.

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    [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] LOKI S02E02 - Breaking Brad
  • Mobius: Knock Knock

    Brad: Who's there?

    Mobius: Brad

    Brad: Brad who?

    Mobius: That's show business

    This is a bit of an old joke but the humour comes from two layers.

    The first layer comes from the last two lines. Brad is a famous actor, so probably a household name. So the expectation is that nobody would ask who he was in the same way nobody would ask "Beyonce who?" But Hollywood is fickle and stars today can easily become forgotten tomorrow. Pretending not to know a celebrity is an insult that is associated with this nature of Hollywood. Hence the "That's show business line" where the jokester acts like they're reluctantly agreeing that the celebrity isn't famous anymore. This is extra hurtful since the famous person is the one tricked into saying "...(their own name) who?"

    The second layer comes from the expectation of the structure of a regular knock knock joke. Since this joke doesn't follow that structure, it breaks expectations and creates humour.

    Mainly it's the first part though.

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    Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024
  • +1 for Pocket Casts. I've only ever had problems with Pocket Cast in the last few weeks. Luckily they released an update a few days ago that fixed the issues.

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    Haunted House
  • Welcome! If you need to charge your phones, note that this house has Yokohama wiring, but we have Nagoya and Shikoku adapters available.

    You can leave at any time through the door over there. It's a shoji door, so you'll need to find a compatible knob. No, don't be silly, that one is a fusuma knob! Of course it won't fit.

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    Haunted House
  • Knowing what the different States are and different cities (for the title text) is pretty important. As someone who is from outside the United States, I wouldn't've been surprised if "Pennsylvania Wiring" was really a standard of wiring.

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    A baby and a dog died after being left in a car for about six hours, police say
  • I remember reading somewhere that Hollywood picked up on Audie audiences' propensity to be more emotionally invested in the well-being of dogs, even if they're unnamed brand new characters and there are humans dying all around them.

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    Why do we still not have all the JFK assassination files?
  • Well you should get your memory checked out because I don't remember it either and I have a terrible memory.

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    Does anybody else continue to frequent Reddit, albeit without an account?
  • I believe they turned off the API restrictions for moderators. So Boost (and I assume other third party apps) still works for me because I created a private subreddit and made myself a moderator.

    I'll continue to lurk until Spez realizes and blocks my access but I deleted all my comments and posts and don't plan on adding any new free content to their site.

    I'm sure it's just a caching issue but, infuriatingly, some of my old comments appear randomly and I have to go in and delete them all over again.

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    Got this popup ad on my work machine today. This is why I use Linux on my personal machines.
  • It's funny how the astronaut is leaning around it

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    Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom | Teaser
  • Trailer for a trailer is a pattern that started a few years ago. It's annoying and I hate it. The worst is when they put those 5 second clips at the beginning of YouTube trailers announcing a trailer is coming up.

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    "Empty" subscribed feed, from not empty communities
  • I've noticed it happening to one of my instances but not my other. I agree with your assessment though.

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    New Comics Discussion September 6 | Star Trek Defiant #7
  • Thanks for sharing what you have. I didn't even know there were current Star Trek comic runs until I saw your posts.

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    Very brief Lower Decks S4 premiere sneak peek from EW
  • This would've been a great surprise if they didn't reveal it so early
