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  • Honestly, I’m murdering the productivity of every channel I watch anyways with uBlock origin and sponsorBlock, so I don’t think it’d be much worse

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    I am calling for sanctions on this regime
  • By the same logic if the planet explodes there’s going to be problems. Just because you can invent a scenario in which it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean that scenario exists.

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    The Average™ arch user
  • Honestly you should ! Unless you want to do crazy stuff you actually don’t need to learn the entire documentation.

    I was able to setup full disk encryption with encrypted boot loader pretty easily, there are great tutorials out there. I’m going to figure out Secure Boot next.

    The nice thing is that once you’ve managed to do something, it’s in your config forever. My main problem with Arch was the absence of rollbacks, and having to remember all the stuff you do when installing it that you inevitably forget before the next time your system breaks and needs a reinstall. There’s none of that with Nix, and it’s awesome.

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    The Average™ arch user
  • Now I’m not a shill but I did switch from Arch to Nix (because my Bluetooth was irremediably broken on Arch, and no one responded to any of my posts) and it’s honestly a lot less complicated than the documentation suggests 😆

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    Opinion | The Supreme Court Has Already Botched the Trump Immunity Case
  • Ship them to Guantanamo ? You’re too nice. If presidents have immunity, Biden could strangle him to death with his own bare hands on live television if he wanted to 💀

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    The best censorship is creators' self-censorship.
  • Can someone explain what this is about in a way that I can understand ? I know nothing about this situation, in fact I don’t even know much about animé in general which this seems to be about.

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    Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • I admit to not knowing how running an open source project goes, but wanting more contributors seems like the wrong metric compared to better contributors.

    I understand the pitfalls of C are not limited to segmentation faults, but I suspect it would be more productive to fix C by including some of Rust’s better ideas than to throw it away, as seems to be the current trend.

    I don’t think Rust is wholly bad, to be clear, but it seems over-engineered to me, and the fact its useful new features don’t even completely work (see rust-cve) isn’t very encouraging.

    I would recommend listening to Jonathan Blow’s opinion on Rust, which I tend to agree with. I personally think I’m just going to stick with C until Rust either becomes the standard, or I retire and let the next generation worry about that.
