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Right to Repair - We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • Market share isn’t everything, Apple commands a very strong hold on the premium segment of phones, that’s where the actual money is for the most part (generalized.)

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    Change the lockscreen status bar color?
  • One of the weirdest software quirk honestly, like Apple realizes that the home bar might need to change colors depending upon the background color but don’t apply the same logic to the translucent color changing status bar, which arguably has higher priority to be legible.

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    Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email
  • Yayay, all my games on Microsoft©️ GamePass™️, wait what do you mean they increased the prices? I’m sure one of the competitors…oh

  • I keep wanting to use caddy instead of NPM but I just can’t get it to work. I think my use case fairly common (CF DNS and wanting Caddy Security.) but I can’t seem to wrap my head around the existing guides I’ve found.

    edit: for anyone interested, I've moved over to traefik and it was much easier. Followed ibracorp's guide.
