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Calgary woman whose MAID access currently blocked by courts now starving herself to death
  • Imagine being in a state so extreme (for whatever reason) that you feel the need to die, and in that state finding you have to deal with the court system. What a nightmare on top of a nightmare. I feel for all parties in this situation. Sometimes all options just painfully and intolerably suck.

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    'Nobody can believe it': Stouffville residents outraged by plan to replace garden with tank in Memorial Park
  • There's many ways to memorialize. Personally I find the the giant metal hunk of killing and destroying machine in a park context offensive, aesthetically as well as ideologically. But others may take a different view of course.

  • 10 frequent scams that hit Ontario in 2023 | insauga

    Scams will forever be the gift that keeps on “stealing.” From collecting personal information through phishing tactics or creating deceptive scenarios to trick individuals into sending funds for a fabricated emergency, here are 10 scams that made their rounds in Ontario in 2023. ‘Mom Help’ scams Sim...

    2 Emotional family reunion as Canadian couple returns home from Gaza Strip |

    After weeks in the Gaza Strip under bombardment, a Canadian couple was able to return home through Egypt. Their son was at Toronto Pearson Airport, desperate to see them safe.

    0 Living wage to afford life in Hamilton cracks $20 - inTheHammer | Local Online News

    For the first time, the living wage needed to make a home in Hamilton was risen above $20 an hourm, according to the Ontario Living Wage Network (OLWN). The time last year the living wage for Hamilton was $19, or an annual $34,000 salary. It in eighth place among 10 regions of Ontario ranked from […...

    Looking for conventional ship and crew adventures that aren't tied to a franchise
  • Yeah, most Cherryh is not ship-and-crew in the sense you are talking about (though I loved the duct-tape feel of the ships in Heavy Time, iirc). Rimrunners might be the closest to what you are looking for though. And yep, it is Union-Alliance. For Cherryh, I guess maybe The Pride of Chanur would be ship-and-crew adventure? I can't quite remember as it was long, long, long ago I read that stuff -- who knows how well its aged. It's cover doesn't look super compelling to me these days. So I'm not recommending it. Ha ha.

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    Looking for conventional ship and crew adventures that aren't tied to a franchise
  • I'm feeling a little old school tonight so I'm going to boost Rimrunners by C.J. Cherryh. May say #3 in a series, but all the books stand alone (they just share the same universe).

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    Non-Profit Registration: Name suggestions.
  • CanFederation

    (just thought it was cute, probably not a good overall name)

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    Canadian North signs deal to design airship | CBC News
  • Did CBC accidentally publish a Beaverton article?
