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Jump Emerges to Offer Paid Fediverse Subscriptions
  • I'm not totally sure of the wisdom involved in gating content when ActivityPub and the Fediverse are still so new and niche.

    If you're putting out premium content that doesn't affect the existing communities, whatever, I don't care. But I do have to wonder how you're actually going to make money when most users are used to free content.

    Wouldn't it be easier to use Ko-fi or similar?

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    This is my battle scarred idiot cat. He likes to bring animals inside and promptly forget all about it.
  • Maybe make the cat indoor-only and save on vet bills. And save the animals in your neighborhood.

    It's a fact that cats hunt for fun in addition to sustenance. Since you presumably feed your cat, we can only assume that everything he attacks outdoors is for fun.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • It's pretty generic overall, but some parts of the worldbuilding are better than others. It fits together in fun ways, and the later stuff is better, but most of the early-game stuff is bland. Just FYI - I never beat it, but I played about 40 hours in 2015 and right now I'm about 10 hours into a replay.

    I don't know if it's just because of the time since I've last played, but Re-Reckoning has felt like a lot more of a chore to play than the original. I don't remember absolutely loving the original, though; it was always pretty mid, I just thought it was charming.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • You are being so condescending right now. I genuinely hope you're a minor, otherwise your parents failed you and you should be ashamed at how judgemental and immature you are.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • Do what you want, its your experience that is ruined, not mine.

    The fact that you believe there's a single way to play a game is so fucking hilarious when stuff like speed-running and challenges exist. Oh well. Enjoy your purist bullshit.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • If the opinion is "playing on easy means you don't actually want to play," I'm gonna give it the criticism it deserves.

    Let me have my opinion. Why even leave your comment if you are pro-opinions?

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    Aw hell naw man
  • You can install Synaptic in Debian. Problem solved? I love the terminal so this isn't really my fight but you could spend some time to make Debian GUI-based if you wanted to.

    Also LMDE exists, which Mint-ifies Debian and gives you a GUI option for basically everything you can imagine.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • Or maybe they just don't have fast reflexes so easy is... easier. My wife almost never plays on normal because she can't.

    If she plays on normal, she will never finish the game and be so frustrated that it will cause her not to enjoy her evening. She works a lot and needs to de-stress when she gets home, so playing on easy is the best way for her.

    Stop judging people. Just play your game and enjoy it.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • I would recommend Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. The normal mode is already stupid easy, so you feel like a god on easy mode.

    It's a fantasy setting with a ton of story and lore, so if you don't care about that it may not be for you.

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    Google and Apple lose their court fights against the EU and owe billions in fines
  • You say that like I'm unaware - maybe I should needlessly remind you that most of these fines are generally in the millions of dollars. A step in the right direction is not a bad thing.

    Regardless, I'm not sure shareholders will think of it that way if the anti-trust practices continue and the fines accrue. The EU likes to be punitive when their orders are ignored.

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • There's not usually a 0 (at least in Canada). Ground floor is 1 or G. The floor above that is 2. Basement is B, or if there's multiple basements, B1 then B2, B3, etc.

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    Google and Apple lose their court fights against the EU and owe billions in fines
  • I'm glad that corporations are actually receiving fines that are commensurate with their earnings and scale. Hopefully it's enough to get them to not do this shit.

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    how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • Speaking as a technician (associate's degree), every engineer in my country makes easily double what I do. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers are just examples of professions that are paid more for their expertise than their actual work output. I would have to work 60-hour weeks just to get paid what a fresh engineering grad would get.

    If you think you're at the top of your pay scale and want to earn more, then you should probably think about further education or look into travel nursing if travel is interesting/a possibility for you. Some kind of specialized knowledge like radiation, imaging, or anesthesiology would probably help.

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    Magnavox Odyssey2 is here!
  • My aunt bought one of these when it came out and I played it all the time at our family cabin in the early 2000s. I thought it was super cool because it had a full keyboard and actual joysticks when I was only used to my GBC, PSX, and PC racing wheels/pedals.

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    A Texas official gets probation for accidentally shooting his grandson at a wedding
  • But as he was cocking the gun’s hammer, it fired

    Come on. It didn't fire, he accidentally pulled the trigger while trying to pull back the hammer - I wouldn't be surprised if he barely uses the fucking thing because it's a security blankie to him and not a dangerous tool of destruction. I hate this passive language bullshit when it comes to things people obviously did.

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    A precious possession
  • Respectfully, it looks like shit and basic hand sewing isn't hard. 5 year olds can do this with a bit of instruction.

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    'Celebrity Number Six' Internet Mystery Is Solved
  • I've never heard of that person. I guess I always assumed all of the celebrities were going to be roughly equally famous. People thought it was Olivia Wilde for a long time.
