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I'm done, I've been banned for expressing a different opinion (without insulting or personally attacking anyone), I've been accused of evading a ban with multiple accounts (this is my only account I've ever had on any lemmy instance), I've had people selectively ignore my comments and accuse me of things which I never said, and I've had people ignore valid criticisms and keep attacking me.

Reddit has many issues with trolls, one-sided discussion, and just general bullshit, but many Lemmy instances are way worse. The newfound freedom of Lemmy has attracted many extremists, from both sides, and many of them are moderators, who are more than happy to remove any contrarian opinions. This results in discussions being echo chambers

It astounds me that anyone thinks otherwise on Hamas.
  • I found this just now after searching for related topics. This is still going on, my comments were removed and I was banned from two different communities for daring to say both Hamas and Israeli are bad (when the comments I was replying to were only blaming Israeli)

    Censorship is very much alive across lemmy, and certain communities definitely seem to allow only one viewpoint to exist.

    I made a summary where you can see my comments which were deleted and for which I was banned, and judge for yourself:

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    Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students
  • 80 steps too far down the capitalism ladder

    This is the result of capitalism - corporations (aka the rich selfish assholes running them) will always attempt to do horrible things to earn more money, so long as they can get away with it, and only perhaps pay relatively small fines. The people who did this face no jailtime, face no real consequences - this is what unregulated capitalism brings. Corporations should not have rights or protect the people who run them - the people who run them need to face prison and personal consequences. (edited for spelling and missing word)

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    Florida gets closer to banning social media for kids under 16
  • That leads us to John Gabrield’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory

    I don't have comments on the rest of your post, but I absolutely hate how that cartoon has been used by people to justify that they are otherwise "good" people who are simply assholes on the internet.

    The rebuttal is this: This person, in real life, chose to go on the internet and be a "total fuckwad". It's not that adding anonymity changed something about them, they were the fuckwads to begin with, but with a much lower chance of having to be held accountable, they are free to express it.

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    Yay! The system is fixed!
  • In the US if you give a politician money in exchange for voting against a bill, it's illegal (it's called "quid-pro-quo" in lawyer terms)

    But if you just donate money to the politician, his family, or his campaign, without requesting anything - and then he "coincidentally" happens to vote against the bill which you didn't want, it is perfectly legal.

    Basically, many politicians are regularly doing something clearly unethical and corrupt in a technically "legal" way.

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    Yay! The system is fixed!
  • I only discovered it recently, and have been reading it when I'm bored and remember it. Also just discovered the Bill Watterson "cameo" - it is pretty amazing.

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    Fox News Star: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’
  • This guy specifically? He's a racist asshole, who has been surrounded by other racist assholes and gotten support from them, so he has never learned that his behavior is unacceptable in a society that values freedom.

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    Schools say dress codes promote discipline, but many Black students see traces of racism
  • I went to highschool for 1 year in the UK, where a uniform was mandatory for every student.

    I can assure you, it does not promote discipline in any way. Kids fight, do stupid things, and skip classes regardless of how they're dressed.

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    Is it mandatory I include the word "rule" in the title?
  • I do, not always in detail if they're too long - but this one isn't, and the sidebar here actually doesn't say anything about incorporating the word "Rule" in your post title.

    The stickied Rules post DOES though, and I just saw that.

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  • Oh - this isn't a bad community, that isn't what I meant by my last sentence - this is just a place for memes and jokes more than serious discussion, hence my expectation of a serious discussion was subverted. But programmer humor is still a great place.

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    See you at the grodge sale
  • A "grodge" sounds like some sort of distant cousin of the grue. Maybe they're some sort of gremlins, and these people are gremlin breeders who are selling them?

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  • Fun fact, Linus has said that he has named both of the major pieces of software he has authored after himself - Linux and Git.

    Git is a somewhat old British slang insult for someone stupid/childish.

    So GitHub is then .. a hub of gits.

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  • Is this copypasta yet?


    who needs code, when all we need is exe files.

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  • A lot of people associated with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) have major objections to GitHub. Here's one summary:

    But the TLDR; version is roughly:

    • Your source hosted on GitHub is being used to train AI, and you are possibly giving up rights to algorithms you may have written (IANAL, and AI training is a fuzzy topic at the moment)
    • GitHub itself is proprietary, closed-source software, while they claim to be pro-FOSS. Aside from not being in the spirit of things, closed-source means you also don't know what happens with your code/data once up upload it.
    • Microsoft has a history of being anti-FOSS, while some people will say it's been changing, I think many are still rightfully concerned what their future decisions regarding GitHub might be, especially if they are a near-monopoly.

    Alternative do exist, and some like are specifically open sourced, and pro-open source, so many people are pushing to move hosting away from GitHub and onto other options.

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    Israel-Hamas war: Bombardment of Rafah intensifies as Gaza death toll reportedly near 30,000
  • I send you an actual news article, and all you can do is reply with a strawman cartoon, claiming it's democrats?

    You want to cite actual democratic politicians calling for more war or do you just want to live in your fantasy world?

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  • I thought this was going to be a FOSS discussion, comparing GitHub and it's current owner - Microsoft - to the ethics of other hosting services like or something.

    Then I saw where this was posted.

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    Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children
  • Your argument holds no weight against a group of people (the current republican supporters) who have repeatedly proven to be misogynistic assholes who gladly vote for a rapist.

    Cruelty is the point of their actions, not the side-effect - pointing out to them that their actions are unjust has no effect when that was their goal from the start.
