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Oh fuck no
  • But what if I want to swear, but I want to censor the swear word, even superficially (replace a vowel with something else, leaving the swear entirely readable where everyone can easily tell what swear is being used)? This is where I’m seeing a ton of people suddenly not as okay with people doing what they want, and that’s what I was trying to get at with this comment chain. Why are people so upset at people censoring themselves in this way?

    Someone else already has pointed it out under this post, but no matter, it bears repeating. The initial need to use these censored forms of swear words rises from corporate censorship, all kinds of web services have been auto moderated to remove a preset list of words, and replacing a single character might get around such a simple limitation. This is understandable, and a good way to stick it to the corporations worried about spoiling their image. (Filter lists like this are also a copout when it comes to bigotry, corporations can cheap out on moderation and pretend no one is calling anyone nasty names when those words are not allowed.)

    People tend to assimilate behavior they see every day, though, so a good chunk of the population has begun to see this kind of censorship dodging as some sort of modest or proper behavior. It never was about not offending our peers, though, so this change in internet etiquette is more succumbing to corporate brainwashing than being considerate. I'm sure there are people who do get upset from seeing crass language, but a human will have no trouble being equally offended about someone saying "F*ck cops!" rather than "Fuck cops!". A stupid censorship filter might still be fooled, though. Using the self censored forms where there are no such filters feels like bowing to our overlords a bit too much.

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    Oh fuck no
  • If you want to swear then swear. If you don't want to for whatever reason, then use creativity to get your frustration, need of emphasis, or other emotion through. Choosing to censor yourself is just weak.

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    What is one relatively unknown thing that your country does much better than elsewhere, but that most people don't know about?
  • I guess, but the Energiewende must've been really expensive already and by my best guesstimation those upkeep costs would have been small in comparison. What irks me more about the situation is wrapping shutting down the nuclear plants in a guise of green policy while simultaneously supporting a huge coal industry. Very happy for all the renewables, still.

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    Linus Torvaldsin kommentti Linux-kernelin venäläismaintainereiden poistoa seuranneesta trollimyrskystä: "I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian aggression?"
  • Joo, sen takiahan tuossa lopussa se anteeksipyyntö olikin (sen lisäksi että jatkoin sitä huonompaa keskustelua) että en nyt tarkoittanut että jokaisen IT-aiheisia viestejä internettiin kirjoittelevan tai sinun henkilökohtaisesti pitää just ja heti luopua kaikista englanninkielisistä termeistä. Ei minullakaan aina pää toimi ja tule suomenkielinen sana mieleen vaikka olisi kyse arkisemmistakin jutuista saati sellaisesta termistä jolle käännöstä ei edes välttämättä ole. Mutta ärsytys johtuu siis siitä, että siellä näiden termien kanssa joka päivä tekemisissä olevien suomalaisten keskuudessa ei riitä sen verran tarmoa koittaa ylläpitää äidinkieltään, että keksisivät uusia termejä näiden kansainvälisten rinnalle, vaikka sitten eivät aina niin kauniita olisikaan ja jäisivät työpaikalla käyttämättä. Löytyisivätpähän sitten hakukoneella jostain dokumentaatiosta edes tällaisten tapausten varalta. Ugh.

    e: P.S. Mistään mitään tietämättömän käännösehdotuksena tuohon otsikkoon olisi voinut sopia "Linux-kernelin venäläisten vastuukehittäjien". Viesti välittyisi kai ihan riittävällä tasolla vaikka ei ihan virallinen termi olisikaan? Vai pitäisikö se kernelikin sitten olla ydin? :)

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    Linus Torvaldsin kommentti Linux-kernelin venäläismaintainereiden poistoa seuranneesta trollimyrskystä: "I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian aggression?"
  • No jos tiputtelee rahvaan niskaan IT-alan jargonia, joka päällepäin näyttää ihan kelvollisesti suomeksi kääntyvältä ja lisäksi pahasti finglishiltä, niin kai sitä voisi jotenkin selventää. Itseä tuppaa vituttamaan tämä perustelu joka kerta, kun ei se suomenkielisten termien käyttö/keksiminen loppujaan ole kuin viitseliäisyydestä kiinni. Voisi olla joku aika kankea sana toki, mutta ei tuo "venäläismaintainer" varsinaisesti kieleltä solju sekään. Anteeksi ja rant off.

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    TIFU by being greedy on buying a hard drive for pictures
  • Onedrive seems to think they are magnanimously letting me peek at their files on their servers, instead of having copies of my files backed up to the cloud. I once turned off syncing for a folder containing game save files, since Onedrive kept spamming me with emails warning about many files being deleted at once every time the game deleted old auto saves. Turning off the sync deleted my local files. Fuck Onedrive.

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    Apple TV+ launching on Prime Video in the US
  • Some apps are shit with good content, and some apps are great with insufficient content.

    Apple doesn't let me add another profile to the app so we can watch the same show in different paces with family members, since I don't own any Apple devices. I'll be more than happy to shitcan any and all of their apps if possible. Some of the content is top notch, though.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Huh, I've always just bought small trashbags, never crossed my mind to just grab the whole roll of those produce bags. Still might not, feels wrong to just take them. :)

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    OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
  • So you didn't do the crime, but your home country did, and you could use crypto to make life easier despite the repercussions. I'd say it's not a bad fit.

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    Any ideas?
  • I prefer "wallet warrior" for more general use cases besides games with gambling mechanics or in game purchases.

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    what is your best story from jail, prison, rehab, or psych ward?
  • I was locked up in one for a couple of weeks after I tried to kill myself, and the only thing that experience did for me is to make sure I keep the ideas to myself next time so no one can interfere. Must be something about the locked doors that turns psychiatric nurses into prison guards mentally, but none of them apart from a trainee from abroad was pleasant to deal with and one was a proper nurse Ratchet. I'll give you a snippet of her professional behavior and care for the mental wellbeing of the patients.

    I was laying on a sofa in the common area reading a book after lunchtime, and had not seen a single other person for about half an hour. Also there was another sofa just like the one I was on and two armchairs in the room. Enter nurse:

    -I have to ask you to get off that sofa.

    -What? Why?

    -Someone might want to come in and sit on it.

    -But there's plenty of other places here to sit, also I've not seen anyone around for a good while anyway.

    -But they might want to sit right there anyway.

    -What about me wanting to be right here now?

    -Stop being difficult!

    -Did you want to sit here?

    -You have five seconds to get off that sofa or I'll get the orderlies and we'll sedate you!

    Fuckin power tripping bitch.

    edit: So many typos...

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    'This game is going to easily—and I mean easily—take over': Major streamers, early fans, and esports players share their Deadlock hype after Valve opens the floodgates
  • I've never tried DotA, but did play Heroes of the Storm quite a bit when it wasn't on life support yet. Deadlock, on the other hand, I tried for 45 minutes and am now fairly certain it's got nothing to offer me.
