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Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 15 June 2024
  • I just finished my first full marathon! It was the most grueling 4 hours and 15 minutes of my life. I've never been more sore or more exhausted. Can't wait to do it again next year!

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    What's the closest you've come to having a car accident?
  • One time I went over a patch of ice on the highway and my car did a full 360 at 100 km/h. I was pretty sure I was about to die, but somehow I managed to straighten out and keep going without hitting anything.

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    The easiest problem
  • At a previous job I had to work with an old database where all the tables and columns had 6-character names

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    I lost mine
  • I don't have one. Not because I had one and lost it, but because the phone I'm using was made before these existed.

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    What's everyone's favorite garden flower/plant they are looking forward to this year?
  • I'm planning to grow some cantaloupes this year. I started them in jiffy pots about a month ago. They've started sprouting and now my son keeps asking if we can move them to the garden yet.
