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Why Trump is spreading the lie that schools are performing gender-affirming surgeries on children
  • Actually some schools were installing sandboxes because in the event of a school shooting lock-down in a cloak-room closet, kids had to have some place go to the bathroom. They probably told the kids it was for furries so as not to traumatize them - morons ran with the story because they lacked any brains.

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    JD Vance shares vid claiming migrants ate cats, but appears to show grilling poultry
  • He’ll get a few TV appearances and then disappear

    Same way with the old, weak, orange felon. He will wear out his moron base and MAGA will return to being normal people after his final defeat, but with psychological scars for the rest of their lives, much like the former Nazis after Germany was defeated.

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    Not a one! How weird is that?
  • some people were still eating pussy under his term

    Nothing has changed except those darned immigrants might be eating it too.

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    The Apalachee High School shooter reportedly complained that trans people are accepted in society. Right-wing media claimed the shooter was trans.
  • So, nothing new on the right wing scene - up is down, right is wrong - "Gray had threatened a mass shooting, posting an image of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter, and writing, “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre.”"

  • Fake Ukrainian Assassination Attempt on Tucker Carlson Hits Millions on X via Russian Disinfo Laundering Scheme

    The digitally manipulated origins and distribution patterns of the original report about this alleged assassination attempt display characteristics of the tactic known as disinformation laundering, which Russian state propaganda networks frequently employ.

    Even when confronted with the truth, millions have the anger and fear permanently imprinted on their minds. That's why Putin's psyops war fare is so incredibly effective, particularly against the poorly educated.
