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Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I already use Tubular, and I have been using NewPipe (or the fork Tubular) since the very first alpha.

    Grayjay doesn't work well for me since I'm subscribed to over 1000 creators and they force rate limiting over 200, which makes it completely unusable for my usecase.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • It might starve the algorithm, but I still get good recommendations on Tubular for the most part, and I haven't used a YT account ever since the first NewPipe alpha released.

    I'm hoping storage will become cheap enough that something like PeerTube will be able to grow as much as Lemmy and Mastodon have over the past few years.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • The recommendation algorithm (also using a third party app) recommends me tons of niche content. It's how I found most of the creators that I follow.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I follow over 1000 creators on YouTube, many of them niche creators who don't often upload content. There are a very small percentage who are on another platform.

    The main app that I use (Tubular) also supports PeerTube, but PeerTube has a big issue when it comes to both content discovery and delivery. YouTube hosts not only the "full" quality video, but they also host many different versions of the same video at varying resolutions/bitrates. This is unfeasable for basically anyone but a big tech company. YouTube also has a very effective (albeit very flawed) recommendation algorithm that smaller platforms struggle to compete against.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I already use those things. My main way of watching YT is with Tubular.

    The problem is that there is one, centralized hosting provider with an all-powerful, non-customizable (by the user) recommendation algorithm. That algorithm, like it or not, dictates the type of content that is made on the platform. If there is content that Google doesn't like, they can (and have) very easilly shadowban the content, meaning only people who specifically search for it will see it, if not remove it altogether.

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    Analogue Pocket Launches New Limited Edition Colors Paying Tribute To Game Boy Color | Retro Gaming News 24/7
  • Not necessarily. FPGA cores are black box reverse engineered from the original hardware, which involved a lot of guess work and trial and error. Chances are there are some flaws that crop up in the process. The only way to get a 100% accurate FPGA core would be if someone used leaked HDL from Nintendo, which would be very illegal and would land that developer in court.

    For example, I believe the Verilog for the N64, Gamecube, and Wii were all leaked in the gigaleak, but the person who developed the N64 core for the MiSTer never downloaded or read that code, and instead completely reverse engineered the original black box hardware to write his core. That core is not 100% accurate, and some games even require patches to function properly. Granted, that is more due to space limitations in the MiSTer FPGA, but even if there were no such limitations, it would be very unlikely that the HDL written would be functionally identical to the leaked HDL.

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    If you could time travel, what would you change ?
  • You don't need double the wires if you change the recepticle so that you can plug it in both ways, and the recepticle would just have those wires connected on the board.

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    AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem
  • As a Linux user, I had to trade in my Nvidia laptop for one with an AMD GPU due to how unstable the Nvidia drivers were and how many problems they were giving me. With the AMD laptop, I have had zero issues.

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    What a slacker
  • Would be nice if there were more voices calling for democracy in the workplace. That would change so many things and make concentration of wealth and political corruption much more difficult.

  • What is SDF's opinion on pre-emptive deferation with Threads?

    I know SDF Chatter hasn't defedded with any instance, but there is a serious risk of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish if we federate with Threads.


    Looking for a DP to HDMI 2.1 that supports 4k120 with Freesync and the various HDR standards. Saw the PS196 was announced some while back, but can't find any converters that implement it.

    Anyone know where I can find a converter, or even just the chip itself so I can build my own?


    Basically what the title says. I've only played two games like this so far (Silent Hill 2 and OMORI) and am looking for more.

    Could be games, ROM hacks, mods of existing games, etc.

    EDIT: So many great suggestions! Getting a bit overwhelmed by how many there are, so I'm going to need to find a way to put this in some kind of list with an order to play the games in. By all means, keep 'em coming, though!


    I have an OG Model F (pre IBM XT, but the same standard) and used to have a Pro Micro-based Soarer's converter before it died on me.

    I'm looking for a replacement that can be both wired (either USB, PS/2, or AT) and wireless (either Bluetooth or via dongle). Soarer-style macros would be a nice-to-have, especially for the missing F11, F12, and Meta keys.

    Does anything like that exist?


    Was wondering if anyone had experience with Frankensteining together different parts from different controllers, and how I could go about it cleanly.

    I'm looking to have some kind of modern controller (preferably a DualSense), but with an actually good DPad, specifically the Sega Saturn Mk2 controller. Wondering if I should bother with trying to modify the shell, or if I should just custom design a new shell to fit the DPad. I feel like 3D printing would result in much lower quality compared to injection molded plastic, so not 100% sure about that idea.


    Been looking for a search engine that isn't plauged with SEO garbage every time I look for anything. Been using DDG for quite a long time now, and I'm starting to get dissatisfied with results. It seems like more and more results are just companies trying to make their way to the top of the search results instead of anything organic. It's even worse when I look for any kind of service or product.

    Looking for as close to 100% organic results as possible.


    I've been using Real Debrid for about a year now, but there're a couple of things making me want to switch.

    I like to share my account with a couple of friends. Real Debrid gave me a warning about banning my account if I use it concurrently with someone else.

    Real Debrid no longer accepts emails from AnonAddy or Tutanota. I would much rather not have to give out any real contact info.

    Looking for a comparable service that caches torrents from anyome who downloads it and provides a link premiumizing service. I would also like to be able to give out direct links for the purposes of using Syncplay.

    Whatever I use must be compatible with Torrentio inside of Stremio.
