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Hukkajoen metsäkonekuski sai ohjeet ajaa suoraan raakkujoen ylitse
  • Sakot ovat vain lisämaksu ympäristörikoksilla rahan tekemiseen. Eroaako tuo muutenkaan kovin paljoa siitä, että maksetaan rahaa jotta virkamies katsoo muualle kun rikotaan lakia.

    Koko pulju toimintakieltoon useammaksi kuukaudeksi niin alkaa kiinnostamaan lain noudattaminen.

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    Russian banks say they've run out of yuan as Chinese firms pull away from the nation
  • but if they run out before they have paid off the money, dont they have to give it back in some way? At least this sounds like it should have more serious consequences than that.

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    Ubisoft Stock Tanks to 10-Year Low After Lukewarm Star Wars Outlaws Launch
  • Who even invests in ubisoft? If you know anything about games you would know ubisoft is crap company and if you dont know, why would you risk your money to something you have no idea about.

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    Venäläiset tulevat Suomeen lukioon eivätkä enää palaa kotiin – kolme nuorta kertoo selkeät syynsä
  • Ahdistaisi kyllä olla venäläinen vaikka ei tarvitsisikaan siellä asua. Eikö se ollut että ne ei anna luopua kansalaisuudestakaan ilman että käy siellä paikan päällä tai jotain? Ajatus siitä, että sitä pakotettua kansalaisuutta voitaisiin mahdollisesti käyttää perusteluna sodalle (eli valehdellaan kuinka ollaan tulossa pelastamaan venäjän kansalaisia sorrolta) olisi aka hirveää. Ei ehkä hyvin kävisi siinäkään että menisi luopumaan siitä kansalaisuudesta, ties miksi valtion viholliseksi julistaisivat ja katoaisi vaan gulagille.

    Noiden asemassa tekisin kyllä ihan samalla tavoin kuin nuokin.

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • Musk becoming president is very real possibility, average person becoming president is not unless miracles happen. While yes, money alone can't so easily get you power but it is requirement for it.

  • Is there some way to really know when you microphone is being used on android 13? I know there are notifications for it if applications are using it and it might even display some icon, but that doesnt really help if the phone is in my pocket.

    In f-droid, there used to be application called vigilante that did this, but it's development was discontinued because apparently its features are part of android itself now, according to its github page.

    I also don't know if the system itself can be trusted to always tell me. I started thinking about it more when I noticed that google play wants to update some 'qualcomm voice assist' application that was installed without my permission and isnt even displayed on the list of applications. I also cant modify its permissions so i have to assume it has permission to do anything.

    So is there any program or anything that lets you know when mic is recording and maybe even if phone is transmitting that information, even if android itself isnt telling me about it.

    I wish i could just install some better operating system, but that isnt an option for me at the moment.


    actually i'm kind of thankful to reddit now

    Thanks to reddit becoming such a shitshow, it pushed so many people to lemmy. I know all this has existed for a while now, but with all the users now its really wonderful. Also many people likely wouldn't have known to come here if they weren't leaving reddit first.

    Now, I was never that active in reddit and it probably had started to go bad even before I joined first time so I likely dont have enough context to properly compare, but so far lemmy has been so much better than I have seen reddit be even before it really started to go downhill.

    I think lemmy will also be better than reddit could ever have been.


    Is there any way in firefox to completely remove shorts shelf from youtube? Some extension maybe?
