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The cost-of-living crisis is so bleak that some Gen Zers genuinely fear becoming homeless
  • 39 checking in. in 2010 I was super broke, and when they shut my power off, my landlord said he wasn't gonna renew the lease next month. that meant I had no food, no lights, and 30 days to come up with 90 days' rent (first, last and security at a new place). I was lucky that I had someone to let me crash and start rebuilding my life, but I also promised myself I'd never for the rest of my life let my survival be dictated by luck and someone else's kindness.

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    Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • honestly? lemme is teaching me that it's probably time to get away from social media as a concept. I'm having a tough time with it though. It's too automatic to pop open a new tab and type "l" or "r" or "f" or "t" and then just hit enter and get sucked into the outrage and/or validation loops

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    Break all the rules
  • "I never told them to commit fraud. I just set goals, and every time those goals were met I increased them until they had no choice but to commit fraud or be fired for not reaching their goals. I'm not responsible for their illegal behavior, and I shouldn't have to bear the consequences. I am, however, still responsible for their profitable behavior and should absolutely bear the consequences for that."

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    Break all the rules
  • a year is a year to a rich man and a poor man alike. but a $50,000 fine is several years to a poor man and only a moment to a rich man. fines that don't scale with income are a sneaky way to make things only legal for the rich while pretending that there is equal protection under the law.

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    Helldivers 2 gets delisted in more countries without PSN access, blindsided devs call for it to be "available worldwide" | Gamesrader
  • I love this thing where buying something has been replaced by buying an alterable, revokable license to access that thing. It lowers costs and adds flexibility for producers, which allows them to save money, and they pass that savings on to me in the form of higher prices and my shit that I paid real fucking money for just disappearing one day. Then they explain that I never really "owned" it despite the fact that they use the word "own" in the marketing material, because it's also legal to use words that have known definitions in agreements and then later explain that you were actually using an entirely different, secret definition of that word that's actually the opposite of what you very purposefully implied.

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    Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • the internet is a machine that turns attention into currency, it does this at the same rate for negative and positive attention, and negative attention is a lot easier to get. you just burst onto a platform unbidden and say something that will piss people off. You get rewarded, the platform gets rewarded, everybody wins except the users who have a gross toxic time in the comments. Lemmy may not run ads, but it's structured the same way that other platforms are and we already have a way of using those types of platforms built into our cultural knowledge, so Lemmy just turns into a loose confederation of reddits.

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    Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • The requests were made under the guise of anti-terrorism laws

    Remember this the next time someone in government says "We need tough anti-terrorism laws". They also get to define what counts as terrorism, so anyone inconvenient can be destroyed and the public told "We're just keeping you safe from terrorism."

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  • at 1:48 they're in Agrabah, a place that doesn't exist

    at 1:59 they're in Agrabah, a place that doesn't exist

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    Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest
  • even then, it's essentially paywalling your rights. you need to go to court, wait for the matter to be adjudicated, hope it works out in your favor, run out any potential appeals, all while paying attorneys and not being able to do something you're legally entitled to do. If you can't do all that, then your rights are moot.

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    Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest
  • I can't help but think that if this sort of thing proliferates that it will essentially hamstring reviews. This particular agreement might be just because the game is in alpha, but it's part of a broader trend of ToS/EULA wishlists that are so restrictive that they're probably illegal already buy in order to test that you have to go to court against a huge, overpaid legal team which leads to people having their basic rights violated.

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    Maybe an injection or pill?
  • it requires doing it over and over again and accepting that it's gonna make you feel kinda shitty. I'm at my best by 11am. When I used to work overnight til 5am, 11am was when I woke up. When I worked bars 5-close, 11am. Now that I work a 9-5, I'm physically there at 9, but I'm useless til 11am. When I fall asleep has changed as my schedule did, for each of those schedules I was in bed at 6am, 4am and midnight respectively. But when the machinery came online has never changed: 11am.

  • Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America's Ruling Class, Finally Dies

    Henry Kissinger has died at age 100, his consulting firm said in a statement on Wednesday.



    TIL that a year after an officer pleaded guilty to lying to a judge to get the warrant to search Breonna Taylor's apartment, no one involved has served a day of jail time

    Kelly Goodlett admitted that police did not have the evidence that they presented to a judge in order to get the warrant, including fabricating testimony from the postal inspector that a known drug dealer was sending packages to that house. Goodlett has been convicted and is free while awaiting sentencing. Joshua Jayne, Kyle Meany and Brett Hankison are charged with various crimes surrounding the false testimony and are awaiting trial. They have had their trials pushed back multiple times each. It has been over three years since Breonna Taylor was murdered by police and even those who admitted to crimes are still free.


    I've got a fire HD-10 and it does the job, I guess, but it's so slow as to make scrolling a basic PDF tedious to the point of being unusable. What I'm looking for is something that I can read my kindle library on, access google drive and dropbox in order to store and retrieve pdfs, epubs etc to read them on as well, a decent sized screen but nothing huge, the ability to run youtube because that's how I get some of my recipes, and a relatively snappy response (it doesn't have to be the most amazing ever, just has to react to basic things like opening or scrolling a document quickly enough to not be frustrating)
