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Why do you use firefox?
  • I started out with using it on the mobile, due to the add-ons being suported, but then Google starten messing around with chrome, announcing changes to the plugin api that would neuter Adblockers and now, the DRM for the web thingy, and I thought enough is enough.

    Firefox still has its issues and Chrome does feel more polished, but I'm going with the good guys on this one.

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    What is your "inexpensive" hobby that turned out to be expensive/ you gradually invested lots of money into?
  • So the other day my brother came visiting and brought with him a new portafilter for my run of the mill espresso machine. We messed around with setting the grinder, measuring the exact amount of coffee, and so on and we did get a decent cup of coffee. Thing is, I can live with my old bad coffee, my peasant taste buds don't really tell the difference, so I'd rather spend my dough on the other 99 things that deplete the bank account. But to you, who make a passion out of brewing coffee, more power to you!

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    Lula says Zelensky, Biden share blame for Russia war on Ukraine
  • Okay, I'll bite this one time, Mr Trollface. 2014 Russians entered Crimea and illegally (by international law) annexed it. Then they manufactured an insurrection in the east of Ukraine. So go the fuck out of here man, Russia has everything to do with this.

    As to the whatever 'nazi led' bullshit you're spewing, I won't dignify that with a answer.

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    Lula says Zelensky, Biden share blame for Russia war on Ukraine
  • Im sorry but it is clear there is no reasoning with you. If your argument is that the US is solely responsible for a war that Putin/Russia started, a war in which Ukrainians are being tortured and executed by Russians, then I abhor everything that you stand for. You are either a troll or deluded. Either way, there is nothing to discuss with you.

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    Lula says Zelensky, Biden share blame for Russia war on Ukraine
  • Because the Russians have been at this shit for as long as they've existed. No one but them is responsible for the war and in particular Putin. It was never about national security with him, rather a mix of regime security and unhinged ideas about national destiny. Russia has nukes and they were totally secure.

    Now, of course your can say the Ukrainians pushed the Russians to attack, by not folding to the russian demands, but how is this a valid argument?

    So to circle around, Lula is a clown.

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    What's your go-to Android Browser and why?
  • Unblock Origin in the browser is a godsend and I can't imagine going back. It even makes YouTube usable again, if you can live without the native app feel. I mean, I could pay for YouTube premium but then again! It is mostly waste of time anyway :)

    I only use Chrome when Firefox has trouble rendering some page.
