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Nintendo’s Next Switch Coming This Year With LCD, Omdia Says
  • Checks out. Nintendo always goes with whatever the most technologically-viable affordable option is. LCDs are cheaper than OLEDs.

    Their strength is the innovation that the use with what inexpensive hardware they have.

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    What to do during a blackout?
  • When it's already really hot? I'm assuming there's no cold water on hand either.

    I mean, maybe a cold shower after. Actually not bad... but not if you're on a boil water warning. But if you have bottled? Hmm...

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    Firefox Is Going To Try And Ship With Wayland Enabled By Default
  • Hey that explanation helps. Thanks.

    It sounds like Wayland is the new thing and it's been around long enough that everyone plays well with it, so it's going to be the default moving forward.

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    Reality Check by Dave Whamond
  • At first glance I was like "Oh cool, a Minecraft reference! Wait, zombies destroy villagers, not Frankenstein's monster... Oh wait, Ohhhh"

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    CRUDBUMP: I Don't Do Shit
  • Didn't expect to see Drewtoothpaste today! Man that takes me back, haven't been to toothpaste for dinner in forever.
