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Alberta’s New Policies: Anti-trans, Anti-evidence
  • They send plenty of shit down here, too, sadly. The Qanon disease started there and is still strong.

    At one point, I had hoped to escape to Canada till I found out it was as sick and dying as the US.

    There're strong elements even working to dismantle their healthcare, just like in the UK. There's nowhere to run from the dirty capitalists, sadly.

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    The Right-Wing Media Takeover Is Destroying America
  • The worst crackdown in recent memory on welfare happened under Clinton and the neolibs. I think both of these groups have examples of doing the things you've listed.

    I appreciate your insights but respectfully disagree as there are examples of your listed priorities across party lines.

    The end part is right. The same billionaires and companies pay both sides campaign bills. Which is why they're basically the same economically.

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    The Right-Wing Media Takeover Is Destroying America
  • Biden is performing theater about doing that. When was the last time dems actually managed a significant wealth tax? LOL

    It is pure theater. If anything like that ever got close to passing, and the paid actors Sinema snd Mansion weren't enough, then they'd just pick another actor or two so the dems could pretend they really wanted to but no matter how much power they have its not possible to actually DO something.

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    The Right-Wing Media Takeover Is Destroying America
  • There are no liberal counterparts. The billionaires are all capitalists. That's all there is to it. Any other political theater they perform for you playing left and right is just theater.

    Dems and Republicans are identical parties on economic policy (note I said economic, not all policies).

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    Supreme Court conservatives signal willingness to roll back the power of federal agencies
    • Spend EVERY day having a press announcement on it and bashing the GOP with the latgest bully pulpit on the planet
    • Expand and pack the court
    • Push a court case that it was their duty.
    • Push a case that it threatened national security based on issues it was holding up.
    • Move to just put someone in the seat regardless and let it get argued in the courts meanwhile the seat is filled.
    • withhold all federal funds to any state who's senator was blocking it
    • Any number of creative parliamentary maneuvers that let the GOP decide everything even when they're in the minority
    • BREAK ALL NORMS, just like the GOP did in stealing th pick. But Dems roll over and play victim. It's all they EVER do, even when they control Hoise, Senate and POTUS at the same time.

    There's a ton of other shit too, but you get the point. Obama was quiet most days and played victim, bc the billionaires who owned him and who he bailed out of the financial crisis told him to ge a good boy and he did.

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    Voting is changing the Oil to keep the engine running
  • In my lifetime, a dem only ever once gave me something to vote FOR, and I actively campaigned for him-Obama. And the first thing he did was give up on universal care and then even on public option. But he's making millions by leveraging his presidency, so he's a good little capitalist.

    And the banks still appreciate him vailing them out while ficking us all and all our municipalities, etc.

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    Voting is changing the Oil to keep the engine running
  • And they have helped over and over to disable democracy and reduce the ability of citizens to affect change over monied interests who buy Thomas his motor home and other "gifts" (spelled bribes). And Scalia, and the others...

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    Electric school buses are a breath of fresh air for children | Nearly $1B in federal funding could help clean up the unequal health impacts of diesel pollution.
  • But theyre not recycled much--YET.

    Agree and excitedly look forward to growth in that market (or even having a market for it). They will eventually become a profitable recycling opportunity. Unless one of the other battery techs (tons of them) in development just completely supplanted them. Either way the impact should diminish over time. Main questions are how fast and long will they continue to be an environmental negative.

    Rechargeable nickel–cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), lithium-ion (Li-ion) and nickel–zinc (Ni-Zn), can also be recycled. Disposable alkaline batteries make up the vast majority of consumer battery use, but there is currently no cost-neutral recycling option.

    EDIT: You can read further down how close some of these companies are to an actual recycling center. They're getting there!

  • US police killed a record number of people in 2023: Research

    The number of people killed by police officers in the United States reached a new high in 2023, according to new research. The Mapping Police Violence project, which has been tracking police k…

    • In 2023, police in the U.S. Killed over 1,300 people, marking a steady increase in police killings, as reported by Mapping Police Violence.
    • There were only 14 days without a police killing, and on average, a person was killed by law enforcement every 6.6 hours.
    • While the number of people killed by gunfire and officers killed in the line of duty declined, this data highlights the need for significant changes in policing in the country.

    Even if it's just a recommendation on a different group in which to ask the question, I'm curious how Lemmy combats criminal activity and content like human trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, etc?

    Is it just a matter of each node bans users when they identify a crime, and/or problematic nodes are defederated if they tolerate it?

    And if defederated, does that mean each node has to individually choose to defederate from the one allowing criminal activity?
