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\#MatteoSalvini ci ripensa: il Ministero dei Trasporti torna ad essere Ministero della Mobilità Sostenibile

Dopo aver ascoltato le associazioni sul #codiceDellaStrage, Salvini ripensa la strategia del suo ministero, a cominciare dal nome.

Tra i cambiamenti annunciati, la sostituzione delle auto blu con bici blu a pedalata assistita (con ricarica solo da fonti rinnovabili) e la cancellazione del ponte di Messina, i cui fondi saranno destinati alle #ciclabili



Per #Godzilla tutte le città sono percorribili a piedi.

ENG: For Godzilla, all cities are walkable

\#meme @memita


La Camera dei Deputati ha votato il #CodiceDellaStrage, ignorando gli appelli dei familiari di vittime sulla strada e le voci di migliaia persone di tutta Italia.

Ora tocca al Senato, a cui deve arrivare chiaro il messaggio: noi vogliamo solo più #sicurezzaStradale

Puoi scrivere una mail al senato, seguendo questo link Solo se il link non ti funziona:



"Big Clearance! 12 in place of 1!"

"Grande offerta! 12 per 1!"

ENFB cyclists' union, Woerden, 1993; poster by Theo van den Boogaard


Cycling highway in Mannheim, Germany
  • @matti it's what TFL reports, as far as I know, I don't have first hand experience. Well, I have been in London and what I recall is people going seriously fast on the main bike paths (I think the super highways). Much faster than elsewhere I've been.

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    Cycling highway in Mannheim, Germany
  • @Melonpoly that's not what I wrote.

    The name is the tip of the issue.

    The problem is that the categories that are used to biking don't have any issue. Those who don't bike (not used to, scared by perceived dangers, whatever) will not begin biking because of cycle superhighways.

    This problem has been recognized by TFL and the name "cycle superhighways" has been dropped.

    Was TFL insulting anyone by doing so?

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    6% of car drivers are cold blood animal killers, 89% of which are SUV drivers
  • @Pare diciamo che la scienza vorrebbe arrivare a conclusioni generali, mentre qui abbiamo solo un punto. Ma comunque è un punto abbastanza significativo, è difficile che in generale le cose siano molto diverse. Diciamo che i numeri in se (tipi 6%) non sono significativi, ma possiamo ipotizzare delle tendenze.

    Comunque a voce dice che ha contato un migliaio di veicolo, non pochi!


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    Cycling highway in Mannheim, Germany
  • @JeffreyOrange the non-inclusivitybof the cycle super-highways in London is a **real** problem.

    If you want the most people to get on their bikes, people who are scared because of danger of car roads, then you want them to feel safe. And they won't on those cycle super highways.

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    Cycling highway in Mannheim, Germany
  • @joostjakob AFAIK the discussion is open. The naming is one thing, and communication and promotion should follow along.

    If you look at a video of a cycle super-highways in London and on of a "continous cycle road" (I don't know the precise name)in the Netherlands you will see a stark difference.

    I wouldn't bring my kid on the the former, but I would on the latter.

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    6% of car drivers are cold blood animal killers, 89% of which are SUV drivers
  • @candle_lighter@lemmy.mlas far as I know they are the majority of vehicles **sold** in USA, but I don't know about the number of circulating ones. For sure it is much lower than 98%

    But keep in mind:

    * This is **not** a scientific experiment, it is just a guy collecting data on one road one day (for fun)
    * It was 10 years ago more or less, so the situation was a little bit different

  • 6% of car drivers are cold blood animal killers, 89% of which are SUV drivers

    ENG Interesting experiment showing car drivers intentionally going on the road shoulder to kill by standing (fake) animals. Not surprisingly the majority of those are #SUV drivers

    ITA Interessante esperimento "scientifico" in cui si vedono automobilisti cambiare traiettoria per investire animali finiti sul lato della strada. La maggior parte guidano SUV

