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Are the far-left and far-right merging together? That’s what the ‘horseshoe theory’ of politics says, but it’s wrong.
  • In my book and apparently a lot of other peoples books, anarchism is to the left of communism.

    Since anarchism is its own political wing to you, could you give a taxonomy or something that shows how anarchism is its own wing?

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    Germany deports dozens of convicted criminals to Afghanistan – POLITICO
  • The opinion of my "compatriots" changes absolutely nothing on this.

    and I have zero problems with calling bigoted xenophobes bigoted xenophobes.

    you serm to have a problem calling them out as such when you just so happen to share their nationality (which, to be clear, doesn't change their morality in any way, shape, or form). Why is that?

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    Germany deports dozens of convicted criminals to Afghanistan – POLITICO
  • That does not justify sending people some place where theft is punished with amputation and nonconformity to extreme religious doctrine with death.

    Doing so anyway is causing unnecessary harm on behalf of bigoted xenophobes

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    Trump Again Says That Christians ‘Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’ if They Vote for Him
  • I, too, approve of Trump promising the end of democracy to evangelical bigots.

    Man, this mudfight is fun when the enemy covered themselves in shit on purpose to... what? Blend in with their environment?
