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my friend just got laid off. please share memes about how much capitalism sucks
  • I'm just here for that bangin' pizza party. I don't need to actually feed my kids.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • It sucks. I ended up emailing him after I saw your comment and they did say that a few people had to reschedule so no decision yet.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • I have not. I just sent a follow up email but I've been at this for a while so can pretty much assume I didn't get it.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • Happy birthday homie.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • Had one of the best interviews in my time as a wage slave last week and really felt like I hit it out of the park. They said I'd know on Friday. Well here it is Monday and still donno. Should I keep holding out or just blow my brains out now get it over with?

    On a more cheerful note, I'm finally starting my dive into non-ML leftist theory and started Anarchy Works by peter Gelderloos and it's been a pretty enjoyable read. The format is basically Idea, historical example, and synthesis of ideas with praxis for each chapter. But it's clear and easy to digest. I'm 1/4 in and started Saturday and that with barely any time to read and I'm not a fast reader normally.

    I'm pretty sure I'm definitely not an anarchist but I like that I am developing a fuller understanding of the concepts. I do like the idea of little pocket anarchist communities popping up all the time tho because even if they never last, it does show that humans can still be communal for at least a moment.

    Might take a sidestreet after this book and read up on syndicalism since that's also piqued my interest recently.

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    In America
  • Joke's on you, I'm already unemployed.

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    Vegan food: The west vs India
  • Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.

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    Vegan food: The west vs India
  • Don't forget Monster energy drinks! /s sort of. I take a supplement though lol

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    “A war between people and vermin”
  • I can't fucking wait either.

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    how is it that libs constantly lack any understanding of historical context
  • Gentle remind that the US was perfectly content with Nazi Germany for most of the war.

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    If you want to troll us with your account request, be aware you will be made fun of publicly
  • Can we just let all the fashies in here so we can all just get along and have tea and scones together puh-leaaaaaaaase??????

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    One of us?
  • Disclaimer: I daily drive, including write code, on a Ferris Sweep.

    Each of my 4 thumb keys are tap for space, tab, enter, and backspace. But I hold one of those keys and I enter a dedicated layer for navigation, a 10-key number pad, a custom symbol layer, and my media and F-keys.

    It does take a bit of getting used to but the trade off is holding an extra key compared to having to lift my hand off of home row and moving to arrows, number row, number pad, etc. I basically never have to look at where my hands are and still retain 100% functionality of a full size board.

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    Happy 9/11!
  • That WTCussy looking nice.

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    American Freedom on Healthcare
  • I might. I feel like I need to do a full unload post to just get shit off my chest.

    I might wait for an update on if we are gonna be allowed to get chip.

    I can't help but lose it every time he gets sick though. He has basically been sick for 9 months straight with 104 fevers and a bunch of tests that always come back with nothing. It sucked before but we at least had some form of health care but now we are on the glorious ACA and I just... I don't really get it.

    But like every time this happens I just go back to this mood of pure hatred towards our healthcare system. I can't help but feel like every one of my family that are against universal care would just be fine if my baby died from his 10th fucking bout with pneumonia because this time he isn't covered. I will never understand how people who call themselves Christians would be ok with poor people suffering because they couldn't afford our outrageous health care prices. It will never make sense that we could pay 8% for example to cover everyone but people would rather go the selfish route and pay like 30% for their employer picked healthcare.

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    American Freedom on Healthcare
  • Fast update but found out that he does have pneumonia. So like treat him out of pocket and not get benefits, or what, let him possibly die from untreated pneumonia?

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    American Freedom on Healthcare
  • Insurance here is also about 30% of our paycheck.

    Right now I'm unemployed, we are on ACA, the affordable care act benefits. For people outside of this shitty country, that Obamacare. Our toddler is sick. We are trying to get our kids on CHIP, which is actually affordable benefits for our kids. Just found out that when my wife took our toddler in for possible pneumonia or liquid in his lungs, that since he isn't currently covered, if we pay for this visit out of pocket, we could be denied CHIP.

    So like what the fuck are we supposed to do?

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    Anyone else insist on dark mode for all their screen time use?
  • Dark mode all day and redshift set based on the sunrise and sunset on both desktop and phone. I won't go back.

    Also I'm gonna do another suggestion for Dark Reader browser extension. It's great!

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    What hobby seems boring to most people but is actually fascinating if you dive into it?
  • I think for others it's having different switches and keycaps for different feeling when typing. For me it's trying to find what I think is the most optimal typing experience and the least amount of strains on my hands while typing.

    That's why I've gone from row stagger and qwerty to Ortholinear. I switched to that because it makes sense to me that your fingers move up and down better than they move laterally. Lateral movement like in a row stagger layout is more strain since you have to stretch to reach keys. Qwerty also never made sense to me since alphas aren't optimized based on location but rather purposefully unoptimized as a hold over from the typewriter days in order to slow down typists to help stop keys from jamming.

    When I was on my Ortho boards I learned about layer switching that allows for keys that are further away to be moved under my fingers by activating a second layer. This was when I moved from my 60% Ortho to my 40% Ortho.

    After that I got interested in ColemakDh since it fixed a lot of what is wrong with qwerty. So I decided to learn it. Then I got real into column stagger and wanted to try my hand at soldering. I ordered the parts to make a board called a Cantor Remix. I had enough parts to build 2 and did that. Building my own keyboard from basically parts and programming was a lot of fun and I got bit by the bug.

    It's a dumb argument since most people don't care but I believe that something like a column staggered layout and something like Colemak or Canary should be the standard keyboard format. It's hard to relearn typing all over again as an adult so the default is an archaic row stagger that feels unnatural and a very unoptimized alpha layout. I know most people just don't care and I hyper focus on stuff so it's just something I don't bother telling most people, unless they ask of course.

    I don't think everyone needs a bunch of keyboards but I'm on this weird journey to find what feels the most optimized for me. I'm deep in the rabbit hole lol.

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    What hobby seems boring to most people but is actually fascinating if you dive into it?
  • If you haven't been tainted by the mechanical keyboard hobby, be aware.

    I started with a TKL with Outemu blue switches just to see what the hype was about, then moved to Anne Pro 2 with Gat browns.

    Ortholinear made sense so I got an XD75 followed my a Planck after getting curious about 40% boards.

    Now I make my own from printed PCBs and soldering, custom programmable firmware, and my own custom key map.

    I now use a split column staggered 34 key board with hand dyed keycaps and custom aftermarket switches.

    I own 7 boards now and have plans for at least 2 more and a partial split for gaming.

  • Shamelessly stolen from reddit 💀 💀
