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Eating Pets and Other Lies: How the Haitian Migrant Hoax Exposes Flaws in Political Reporting in the U.S.
  • Yep. I know a guy whose dad was an engineer for Boeing doing something space related. He's now a flat earther because his particular flavor of Christianity says so.

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Trying not to put unnecessary expectations on myself. Only somewhat succeeding at that, but at least I'm realizing that those expectations are unnecessary, so hey that's progress.

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    wanting and not wanting rule
  • I'm the same way! I think it's because I'm friends with enough full on extroverts that my social battery fills up without me trying before I ever reach the point of thinking, "Hey, I'd like to chat / hang out with someone. I should reach out."

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I really liked the whole Southern Reach Trilogy, but it's not for everyone. Each book is very different from the last, and you're not going to get all your questions answered. If you don't think that will bug you, give it a shot!

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    music rule
  • I guess it depends on your definition of "good" and "sucks." Salt and vinegar kettle chips definitely aren't nutritious, but as far as my tastes go, they are fucking good and definitely don't suck.

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    How do you organise your music playlists?
  • Somewhat haphazardly. I typically listen to multiple genres in one session as well. What I usually do is if I hear a song I like that's not already in a playlist (or if I like it enough that I want it in multiple playlists), I'll chuck it in at the end of one. Then when I have downtime I play around with the song order so that I like how each song transitions to the next. I enjoy doing that as a way to unwind. This method isn't great if you're the type that needs everything organized all the time though since my playlists are usually in some level of a work in progress state! The names are very boring - P01, P02, etc. I also have some playlists that are more themed, for instance a road trip playlist with more upbeat songs. I'll usually play around with that one based on who is road tripping with me and what type of music I think they'll enjoy.

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    Tell me something funny about your brain 🧠
  • Honestly, nothing crazy. Things that have elecited reactions include traveling all over the place solo, scuba diving, sky diving, hopping into a four seater plane when it's raining and foggy, getting up in front of people singing... Nothing really big, but the number of times people have said, "I could never do that!" that have coincided with me thinking, "This conversation is way more stressful than that!" is kind of funny.

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    Tell me something funny about your brain 🧠
  • I do a lot of things that people are afraid to do and it feels so easy for me… and yet simple social interaction can be so incredibly stressful.

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    A cool guide to Top 25 booze loving countries.
  • Also Moldovia drinks the most alcohol but is 9th in wine, 10th in spirits and doesn't even rank top 10 in any of the other categories...

  • Listened to this one when coming down from a shroom trip, and I keep coming back to it.


    Wrangell-St. Elias National Park - Root Glacier Root Glacier

    Explore this photo album by Vicky on Flickr!

    I recently got to visit Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and do a couple of incredible hikes. Here's the second.


    Wrangell-St. Elias National Park - Bonanza Mine Trail Bonanza Mine Trail

    Explore this photo album by Vicky on Flickr!

    I recently got to visit Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and do a couple of incredible hikes. Here's the first.


    Active hiking community?

    Hey, just wondering if this place is still trying to chug along or if there is a more active hiking community out there. This is the best I could find when I did a search. Happy to contribute to the best of my ability if this is what we've got!


    This combo of song and video...

    0 Albuquerque Pride Parade

    Explore this photo album by Vicky on Flickr!

    4 New Orleans Gay Easter Parade

    Explore this photo album by Vicky on Flickr!

    Having a great time in New Orleans; here are some photos from the Gay Easter Parade!


    I was reminded of this one today and wanted to share.
