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Federation Delays
  • Oof. This definitely needs to get sorted out asap. It would be the death of a federated platform centered around discussion. It's kinda one of the main tasks.

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    Federation Delays
  • Man if you look at this thread on Kbin and then again via another instance like Fedia, there are number of comments not federating across both instances. Kbin counts 24 comments and Fedia just 19. The missing comments on Fedia seem to be Kbin users. There's some comments in here that are upwards of 8 hours old that have not made it to both instances. This is really problematic.

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    Federation Delays
  • Yeah the comments are not federating across fedia/kbin. I'm only seeing your comments on this thread when you've posted them on the server I am currently viewing. Even 8 hours after you commented.

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    Federation Delays
  • Yep actually did the same myself with fedia and that script. Also had some fail which I think were likewise abandoned.

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    Unmoderated and now extremely delayed federation - is it time to move?
  • I get where you're coming from, but don't really agree that because it's been bad it's fine that it continues to be bad or even worse when these are solvable problems. The issue with recent posts federating in a timely fashion is pretty concerning for one.

    But even if I did agree with you about the site errors, the huge gaps in any communication are a big issue. It'd be great to know what's going on. And not being able to get an account deletion honored is frankly unacceptable. I've had one pending for close to a month. And having the entire project tied up with one person who just disappears without warning is also a big problem. Administering this instance all by one's self is already impractical. But doing that and also single-handedly running a software project of this complexity and magnitude on top of that is really hard to rationalize.

    Anybody remember what happened Artemis? All that effort and community support poured into an app with a single dev holding the whole thing together and poof. She's gone and the app is no more. I still don't think anybody's heard from her since.

    Huge props to him for what he's achieved, but Ernest needs to accept help. It's that simple.

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    Unmoderated and now extremely delayed federation - is it time to move?
  • Yep I decided to switch accounts to this username from another one I had been using that is kinda attached to my freelance business. I felt like it wasn't the wisest move to get into occasional debates with strangers like that. Some people just lose their mind if you disagree with them online.

    So I requested deletion close to a month ago and it still hasn't gone through. Will it ever? Who knows

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    Unmoderated and now extremely delayed federation - is it time to move?
  • The sole maintainer of the project has been totally MIA for a month and the site has gone down or partially not worked repeatedly for months now. Now we've got issues with post federating on time and spam bots. It's not sustainable like this. I really appreciate what Ernest has done and am a big fan of Kbin, but he's clearly spread too thin and apparently wont allow people to help him.

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    Federation Delays
  • Are the Mbin instances well federated so you're still getting about the same mix of content? They all seem pretty small in terms of subscriber count

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    I've had it with reddit
  • Ah yeah that’s not a mod action. That’s a Reddit site-wide thing on the admin side of things or some automated system they have. Subreddit mods had nothing to do with that.
