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If buying it isn't owning it...
  • They denuvo the shit out of their games, so it's actually pretty hard to pirate them nowadays.

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    Was this community banned on I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.
  • is about a year old. It definitely wasn't two years ago.

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    Table of various levels of piracy
  • Which of course makes no sense - if you don't have the money to buy it either way, pirating has no effect on revenue.

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    Table of various levels of piracy
  • Ah, Gaben's "piracy is a service issue."

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    Table of various levels of piracy
  • The only time I see piracy as unethical is if you would have paid for it otherwise and it's a small creator who will actually notice the lesser revenue. This covers very, VERY few cases because the vast majority of the time if something is good enough to want to pirate it, it's popular enough that more than enough people paid for it to adequately compensate the creator.

    Basically, are you hurting the creator's ability to make a living by pirating it? Giving them less money when they already have more than enough doesn't qualify.

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    Table of various levels of piracy
  • You wouldn't download a Rick and Morty meme

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    [Louis Rossmann] Is All Piracy Equal? Exploring Gray Areas: When Is It REALLY "Stealing" ??
  • It may be copyright infringement, but not stealing.

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • Still downloading for me, but I see more than one review saying it takes a long time to get good. I'm keeping my expectations low.

    EDIT: Glad I was warned it starts slow. It does get better if you stick with it.

    EDIT 2: It entertained me for a week. It's no Skyrim, or even Fallout. I would have been pissed if I'd paid for it.

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • Check megathread on sidebar.

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • As soon as anyone can download a game, all pirates can too (unless Denuvo)!

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • No, Denuvo was first used in Sept. 2014 and Fallout 4 came out Nov. 2015.

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • I've never had a problem with them.

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    Starfield has been cracked
  • Yes, but it's huge, over 100GB. BG3 all over again!

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    Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??
  • Not yet, just waiting for it.

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    Anti-Piracy Lessons Enter the School Curriculum: Are You a Thief?
  • Every day they stray further from Odin.
