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Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Personally, I believe that criticising the efforts of activists with whom you share a cause is one of the lowest things you can do.

    If I think there’s a better way, then I go do it, or at the very least I would participate in that group and try to bring them around to my way of thinking.

    I definitely would not publicly criticise them because that doesn’t actually help the cause, it just damages it.

    But of course, I can’t hold people to the same high expectations I hold of myself.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • If you have a mortgage, you don’t fully own your house.

    The reality is that you’re in the exact same class as your neighbour but you believe all the propaganda you’ve been fed about taking benefits making you somehow less of a person. You’re probably not in the bottom 10%, though, so there are definitely people struggling more than you.

    If you have £3k a month child care then unless both of you are making over 3k a month salary then possibly you should consider one of you leaving their job and becoming a stay at home parent.

    Look, I get it. Things are tough, and you work hard and you deserve better. What I’m trying to tell you is that you’re hating on the wrong people. Don’t blame your neighbour, blame your boss.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • if you fully own your own home and your household has two people fully employed how in the hell does someone with €1600 a month have a living standard remotely close to yours? none of what you’re saying is adding up at all

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • If you’re struggling to make ends meet, you’re not middle class. You’re the exact same class as your neighbour. If you want to improve your conditions then you need to learn some solidarity instead of blaming them for your problems. They’re not the ones taking advantage. It’s the fucking rich and powerful that are lazy, do zero valuable work, and leech off the rest of society. Working class people scamming the tax system is a good thing, really - all those taxes would otherwise go to other rich twats anyways, so I’d much rather it went to your neighbour.

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    [news] Biden Rebuked for 'Outrageous' Comments on Israeli Killing of US Citizen
  • thanks for making my point for me! It’s totally understandable, you’ve been subjected to that propaganda for your whole life, but it’s completely untrue.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • definitionally, the middle class literally cannot be in the bottom 10%. I’d really suggest you learn about those “handouts” you mention and look into how much they are, what the conditions for receiving it are, how hard they are to get, etc. and consider whether you’d be able to live on them.

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    Pakistani citizen arrested in Canada, charged with plotting terrorist attack in New York
  • Yes, ACAB. Any actions taken by the police are for either protecting the interests of the wealthy and powerful, enforcing traditional/societal norms, or they’re basically a PR stunt. A terrorist attack in New York would potentially harm wealthy people, not to mention Wall Street and the larger economy. so it had to be stopped.

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    Cruel puppy dealers use Facebook and Instagram to sell suffering animals, report says
  • Your point was that we judge the harm of a procedure proportional to its benefits, basically. I don’t really get why you felt the need. Do you support the use of these procedures such as tail/ear docking?

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    10-year-old girl in Japan becomes youngest person certified to prepare poisonous pufferfish — a delicacy that can be deadly
  • I don’t think that is a fully-satisfying conclusion. If it held up to scrutiny, then we would also curtail the rights of the elderly in the same way, which in the overwhelming majority of cases we do not. We would do the same for people with relevant disabilities, which again in the majority of cases, we do not.

    If someone proposed removing the right to vote from people with mental disabilities to “protect the mentally weak from the strong”, I’d like to think that we’d all see the problems with that. Why do we not feel the same way about the disenfranchisement of younger people?

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    10-year-old girl in Japan becomes youngest person certified to prepare poisonous pufferfish — a delicacy that can be deadly
  • We put arbitrary age limitations on seemingly everything, from voting to watching a movie. When we have no age limits on something, stories always come up about a young kid who is capable and competent.

    So why do we even have those age limits? We have adults of 30+ who are way more immature than some 12 year olds. Just seems like needless limitation on the rights of kids.

    The real exception to this I suppose are things like age limits on joining the military or giving consent.

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  • Yeah that’s one of those excuses I was talking about. Everyone always consumes animal products from their uncle’s farm. They never, ever buy animal products from the store, or from a restaurant, or fast food, or whatever. Nope. All the animal products you consume are 100% from your uncle’s farm and they’re all mega happy, and you know them all by name!


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  • hello, I’m a vegan, I try not to annoy people because I know we’re all going through a lot of shit, but since you asked, you should know: the level of suffering caused by the animal agriculture industry is so extreme and horrific. Like, think of the worst torture imaginable, and it’s worse. And they subject thinking, feeling beings to that. Think about how angry you would feel if you saw someone abusing a dog. Now imagine that on a global, mass-production scale.

    The problem is that human brain is really good at protecting itself from having to deal with the mental anguish of knowing that you’re responsible for suffering, so you’ll come up with any number of reasons to excuse your behaviour - it’s natural, it’s the circle of life, etc. etc. but that’s all just excuses. You let other living being suffer so badly because you like how they taste, and you can either accept that fact or you can change.

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • I’m an anarchist, and Musk’s behaviour is the farthest possible thing from anarchy. Anarchism is all about working together to build a better world where everyone has all of their needs met, not being a selfish, caustic, aggressive asshole. Elon would have no chance of getting consensus to join any commune anywhere in the world. Unless there’s some insane libertarian commune somewhere.
