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Ten ways for Kamala Harris to win my vote
  • "I would be shocked if Harris adopted even one of these proposals..." Yeah, because the majority of these all bad faith. GTFO with this fantasy land nonsense. Surprised one of your planks isn't "Bring back dragons." or "Grant 3 wishes."

    I will give you #2, 5, and 6 though. They at least, seem somewhat rational/achievable. #5 isn't really enforceable though. You'll always have outside money influence elections. Why tie up healthcare with union representation and living wage? Make them separate issues.

    This is mostly just fantasy land garbage that just shows you don't know anything about running a modern nation, or how politics work. If this really is Claudia's platform, well... she shouldn't be running anything larger than a supermarket.

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    The moment when a navy fighter jet broke the sound barrier
  • A. This doesn't look real.

    B. This layer stays with the plane as it pushes subsonic air into supersonic. So it is the moment, that particular space of air goes supersonic, not the jet itself.

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    Chuck Todd Signs Off As Moderator Of ‘Meet The Press,’ *Successor Kristen Welker Says She’ll Approach New Role “As A Reporter”*
  • Hah, I love seeing morons bitch about him.

    If you think Chick Todd was bad, then you are pretty much a fucking idiot.

    "Oooh, he didn't zing the other guy I hate, he MUST be a hack."

    But, some people just love to hate. Usually I call them conservatives. But that's clearly not the case here lol.

    The guy tried to keep the dialogue open and not inflammatory, but sometimes that means letting the other guy says his piece, even if it is bullshit. It's up to you, as the viewer, to make the judgement call, not the host. Unless you need to be spoonfed opinions too.
