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Israeli Media vs Western Media
  • Good question! It is hard to find off-hand examples on English YouTube admittedly but below screenshot is representative of the kind of opinions you see brandished on Israeli media regularly and cheered on in Telegram channels. For context, Ofira Asayag is a major TV personality in Israel.

    Edit: 'moderate' Israeli podcasters openly calling for erasing of all life in Gaza, asserting what they called "typical opinions" across the nation.

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    Extremist settlers rapidly seizing West Bank land
  • If leaving to be relocated somewhere else isn't relinquishing your lands, then what is it? Do yo think the Israeli government will hold the place for the Palestinians that may eventually want to return? Also, no one wants the Palestinians, they are some of the poorest people on Earth and don't have fancy second passports like most Israelis.

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    Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • Although not exactly what you are looking for (ie custom counters on the landing page), you can view counters you are after on another page under 'Long-term Data > Query Log'

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    Anon builds a routine
  • You obviously hang out with very different gays than me in that case because exaggerated (mostly) playful whining about the other half seems to stretch across sexualities, cultures and time even.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • Nah you're good mate, I take your point. 'Only' 10-15% of problem drinkers go on to develop cirrhosis and not a hundred percent of them will go on to trash their livers. You also make a good point about heart transplants not being denied to the obese for example. Today I learnt.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • Mate have you checked up on the UK these days? It is circling the drain itself and barely gives a shit about the country outside of Westminster. What makes you think they won't make a complete shitshow of it even if they could be arsed to get involved?

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • Pray tell o' wise one what happens to the Ulster militia dug in for years when Ireland claims NI? Nah I'm sure they'll just pack up and leave and the remainder will join hands with their Catholic brothers and sisters in kumbaya.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • This row stretches back 8 years, that person already sailed into the sunset on a platinum yatch. This year's execs will get double platinum yatchs for finally putting this matter to rest.

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    Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by EU
  • Ireland's whole shtick is low corporate taxes which has lead to boom times in recent years. Makes sense they would want to uphold that reputation, but well played to them as this decision makes it a win-win. I guess they must take these taxes now, awww shucks.

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    Taliban ban Afghanistan women from raising voices
  • USA could have been in Afghanistan for 200 years and they still wouldn't be able to put together more than a humpty dumpty army. The problem isn't even Afghan ineptitude as such, the problem is that US policymakers start and stay completely ignorant to local cultures and customs wherever they decide to stick their dick.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • Any source on your assertion of 85% of liver transplants not being due to alcohol? May it be because people with livers blown due to alcohol use would be at the bottom of any transplant list?

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    ‘Do not store guns in your oven’: Loaded gun stored in oven fires multiple rounds after getting overheated
  • The 'article' or accompanying video didn't specify unfortunately. I guess it is possible the hottest round would be the one chambered and cooks off, engaging the semi auto chambering mechanism loading the next round and repeat.

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  • Reported me for what?? Hurting your feelings?

    Usual soy brain takes from huffing too much vegan propaganda. Meat is meat and contains enough nutrients for the obligate carnivore. You seem a little slow so I will repeat it once more; inventing loopholes to jump through just so your obligate carnivore unconsenting pet can follow your ridiculous fad diet is the height of insanity.

    Since you mentioned commercial pet food, to be clear this is a strawman as that shit is equally obnoxious and only an ignorant chump would feed it to their pet with any regularity.

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  • Chocolate covered roaches and Neocons exist, doesn't make it a good idea necessarily. Taking an obligate carnivore animal and force feeding it lab produced food-adjacent slop that exists nowhere else in nature, just so your little pet can play along with your fad diet to validate your fee-fees surely strikes me as complete and utter bat shit lunacy.
